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415 blend wick question....

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I have been testing a 415/6006 blend. It ends up being close to a 80 soy/20 paraffin blend. I have been testing the CD/CDN wicks with more shrooms than I like. I read over the soy recommendations sticky and found a majority of people use HTP in pure soy with CD/CDN next in line.

My question for the HTP and CD/CDN users is.... do you have a shroom problem. I love the CT/HT with this blend. It is wonderful!! I love everything except the shrooms. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!!



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I just use straight 415 and I have tried CDs in the past but they did not mushroom. I was always told if they mushroom then they are too big and to try a smaller wick.

Right now I use HTPs and they work great except for a few fragrances so I am leaning towards the Performa wicks. I have not tried them yet. I plan on ordering a sample kit to give them a try. My biggest gripe is the curling with HTPs and CDs. Don't like the way the flame looks when the wicks curl.

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Judi.... have you found this blend to leave a kinda greasy looking residue on the sides of the jars? It is very thin, but noticable. It doesn't feel greasy but looks like it. Kinda like vasaline is on everything.

I would love for the glass to be cleaner looking.



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Yes I do Danielle but it doesn't really bother me I am used to it from from old wax. Hope you are having luck, I have had to add more FO to get a really good scent throw. But that also doesn't really bother me as long as it means repeat biz.

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I posted this in the fragrance section... but I used 1oz pp of Fruity Loops from NG in this mix.... it is so strong! I am using a CDN20 in my 3.5 inch diameter apothecary. Except for the shrooms, which seem to get less as it burns down in the jar, and the vaseline.... it is great!! I am getting wonderful results with it. I also made Strawberry Margarita from Backwoods.... also great!!

I did double wick with CD 6's and that worked well also.... I need to make a template for that though as i suck at getting them centered!! I think I like the 2 wick results better at this point.

I wonder if I mix with a paraffin CB if it would be different. I am really not liking the vaseline look. Maybe some J223, or maybe try a little USA to firm things up a bit. I will try a bit to tweak this formula.

Happy Testing


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My blend is very close to yours. I am using ECO's with good success. I also have some zincs to test.

I get that oily look too in my jars too, but it does not bother me. I get a nice clean burn and EXCELLENT scent throw. When I am done with the jar. I heat the jar and pour out the wax and pour in boiling water, dump outside, and wipe out with papertowls and wash in the sink. the jars some clean just like when i used all soy.


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So far 24 -48 max.... if I make some tonight....I will fire them up saturday when I get up. The mix really does cure fast. Now it does get even stronger... but after the short cure it is great!!


I am also going to try some J223 with 415 to see if I can get rid of this vaseline residue. I am going to WSP tomorrow so I can play over the weekend!!

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I Have Been Testing So Much That Sometimes I Think I Have Candle Nose, Problem Is I Really Don't Know To Many People Here So I Can't Get Others Opinions. I Guess I Need To Start Testing A Different Fo, Have Been Working On My Heaviest One For Awhile Now. I Can Smell The 4630 Just Fine After 2 Days But With This Blend I Cannot. I Have Performas In There, The Mp Is Perfect, The Flame Is Beautiful But No Scent Throw At All After 2 Days. Will Burn Just Those Today (day 4) And See What I Think. Been Wishing For A Magic Wand Lately Ha Ha Ha

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