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Self Employment Tax

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OUCH - how do you all contend with this... seems like we work and work and we cant win for loosing... I've been at this for 9 years. I know the economy is really hurting everyone... but I'm beginning to feel this is a make or brake it year. Anyone else feeling this ?

Down in the dumps....

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This is also my 9th year. We make 25% of what we did 3 years ago. I was about to give up, and then I decided to add cheaper things to my line. I started making votives and tarts, buying little things to sell at the shows. It works. They may not have 10.00 for a candle, but everyone has a couple of bucks to buy little stuff. I took my votives to my last show and almost sold out. Works for me. I believe we will have a turn around and things will get better. Just hang in there. Taxes are bad, but do more donations. That will bring them down and it helps the community too.:yay:

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My husband is self employed and has been for 9 years. I just started off again with my soap, so I am sure I will take a huge loss this year, but I hadn't really given any thought to the SET....yikes...forgot about that, I probably have to pay one on my portion too, don't I....:shocked2:

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