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Soooo embarrassed to ask this....but...

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how do you use Dan's bands...lol

I just got mine in and have no idea how to wrap my soap in them. I slipped the soap in the band...but they are too big...but I think I am doing them wrong. I know we shrink wrap them...but how should they look....

As you can tell I am new to this...ahahahaha. So please tell me...how do I use these...LMAO

please help this shmuck :)

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I slip my soap in and then sort of twist it around until the perforation is where I want it, then hit it with the heat gun...if it's too big, it shrinks right up! FYI...don't aim the heat gun at the perforated area...it will split it right open for ya.

Hope that helps a bit...


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i also got some of the dans bands and not sure are what i was looking for-and dont have heat gun!!

i use random things for molds and do not cut straight-although i honestly try-so my bars are funky!!

might try again when pull my goods out of storage-or else might just try to sell them!!

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I use these and love them. Put your bar of soap in there getting it centered, with equal amounts left on each end. Like said above, make sure your perforation is where you want it. I put mine on the side. I find it better to start with the ends of the bar first, being careful to not get the perforated part. Once the ends are done, gently heat gun the front and sides and then all over, touching up the ends and anywhere else that its needed. I think the key is to get the ends started first. I hope that made sense.

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