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Rave for candlescience!!

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I'm totally impressed with Candlescience. I've ordered from them several times before and have always been pleased with my product(s). To get a pm from one of the owners explaining what happened with the sample oils and offering to fix it -- wow. This is how you continue to get someone's money.

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Yep I love CS and I knew they would make it right :yay: (I ordered a bunch of samples, have not weighed them yet but I am going to in the am!) They are my favorite supplier!

Now if they only carried b&b products I'd be thrilled....and also 6" sizes of the smaller wicks that I always need but they only have in 3" lol!

Awesome, thanks for the update!


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LOL I already buy my wax, wicks, containers, and 1/4 of my fo's there and from the samples I bought it looks like Ill be adding a lot more. Other than that my MAIN suppliers have been Backwoods and peaks. Customer service closes the deal in my book and Ive had nothing but great transactions and great items from these suppliers. Heck I think I already have most of BW's f.o.'s LOL now only if Peak's would have a $.99 sale HINT HINT :D I just like that a lot of these suppliers are adding on, kinda like BW now carries some oils and butters. I really need to find a new supplier for all my soaping oils. MMS is too high on shipping, and Soapers choice doesnt respond to emails. It may sound stupid but I dont have time to sit there and call about an item, if you dont answer my emails you dont get my business. Its hard enough finding time to get everything done, let along make time to sit on the phone about a product. At least with email I can do it at 2 am if I need to, and not waste my minutes on my phone.

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LOL I already buy my wax, wicks, containers, and 1/4 of my fo's there and from the samples I bought it looks like Ill be adding a lot more...Customer service closes the deal in my book... It may sound stupid but I dont have time to sit there and call about an item, if you dont answer my emails you dont get my business. Its hard enough finding time to get everything done, let along make time to sit on the phone about a product. At least with email I can do it at 2 am if I need to, and not waste my minutes on my phone.

Couldn't agree with you more!

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