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Working in a Scent-Free Place.

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Does anyone have any good scent free work environment! My department doesn't allow any scented products. I have bought unscented lotions at the store and they still have a fragrance. All I can smell is alcohol or a chemicals in them. This is all because out of 90 women, 2 have allergies. I gave up buying unscented lotion and now my skin is dry as a bone and feel like sandpaper.

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2 out of 90? That doesn't seem right to me. The majority is being discriminated against.

I know that the lotion base (Original) from EssentialsbyCatalina has no scent. It is the only one I use. Just love it! Maybe buy a gallon of that and put in bottles to take to work?

2 out of 90. That still doesn't seem right. :lipsrseal

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SFIC in Concord CA has unscented lotions which I've tried and I think they don't have any odor or scent at all. While they only sell in large sizes, sometimes there is a Coop. If not, you can buy a box of their samples for very cheap. The samples include three different kinds of lotions.

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I work in a fragrance-free environment, but that's cause we make fragrances and the perfumers need to be able to smell their work.

Plus employees are often used as subjects and have lotions or perfumes applied to their skin to be sniffed by our perfumers, etc.

For lotion I generally used Aveeno.

And it's not discrimination if they truly have issues (your company should require a doctor's note). My son's classroom is peanut free due to his allergy - and he's the only kid in the school allergic to peanuts.

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SFIC in Concord CA has unscented lotions which I've tried and I think they don't have any odor or scent at all. While they only sell in large sizes, sometimes there is a Coop. If not, you can buy a box of their samples for very cheap. The samples include three different kinds of lotions.

Here is a link to their webpage:


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i used to work in a scent free environment--was a histologist in the hospital. guess most labs are scent free--we were exposed to so many chemicals daily that people became sensitized. formalin, alcohol, xylene! blah!

am thrilled to be out of their my allergies were getting bad!!

hoping they clear up-although inhaled so much dust today they may never go away

I always wore scented lotions anyway cuz i am a rebel--but one lady wore unscented lotion and was given a hard time cuz they could smell it. i sympathize

also agree with aveeno!!

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