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Hi, I am soooo confused but excited to get going with making candles.

What I want to make are bears dipped in wax, container candles and cup cake type candles for Christmas presents. I have nothing! I plan on using double boiler method with pans I can get at the Dollar Store. Also I plan on getting the rest of the stuff for melting at The Dollar Store or Wal Mart. Now what I really need help with is which wax and wick to start with for the items I want to make. Any suggestions would be great! I plan to order from buywax.com.

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When it comes to container candles, you better hurry up and get started. I have been working on an 8 oz JJ for about 5 weeks and am still trying to get it right. I have tried 2 different waxes and 4 different wicks. :shocked2: It is a long, drawn out process that takes a lot of patience. The stuff I am using right now is from www.justscent.com. It is only about 45 minutes from where I live. Good luck!!


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Welcome to the board :)

Most any wax that will hold a good amount of FO will work for bears. As for containers and cupcakes, you'll probably need both a container wax (for containers) and pillar wax (for cup cakes, etc). Container wax probably wont work for the cupcakes unless you're going to leave them in a container of some sort and not pile the vax very high on top, otherwise it'll melt and overflow. For beginning, it would be best to pick one type of candle to start with. Since it's already Nov, you're going to have to work fast and furious at testing to get them burning proper in time for Christmas gifts. Especially since you have never made them and haven't even ordered the supplies yet. Do you know which type of container wax and size/shape containers you're going to use?

Now the bears wouldn't be hard to get done in time. There's very little testing to do, it's just messy making them. You might be better off sticking with these for gifts this year.

Good Luck :)

Oh, yeah, making the font a tad larger would help us old people read it ;)

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For the dipped bears, any good pillar wax will work well. Especially if it holds a good quantity of FO. You have to be careful about the type's of bears or animals you dip tho. The cheaply made ones that have the nylon stuffing really dont work well. I know this from personal experience.... they shrink up into a nice crinkled up ball...

As for container candles, it took me quite awhile to find what I was happy with, but now I am changing that again...lol.... I am switching from a Soy blend to J223 container wax.

I would suggest just doin the bears for gifts this year and that gives you several months to get ready for next year.. hope this helps ya some:grin2:

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