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cargill v-1

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Hi, I have been using cargill V-1 forever. The price jump is sick. I am honestly thinking of switing to something else. BUT WHAT that is the question. I want a good wax that has godd hot and cold throw. And easily releases from molds. I tried CS Golden Brand 474 in the past and did not like it at all. I could not get it out of the molds at all. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks

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Cindy, there is no cheap wax anymore, unfortunately. I've tried Ecosoya PB (soy), Millcreek's all natural pillar/votive wax (palm/coconut blend) and Greenleaf GL 1285 (soy blend). They've all worked well for me, although I find the Millcreek wax needs more time to set up before being removed from the molds. I love the Greenleaf GL 1285, and I'm moving toward that being my only wax, once I use up what I have of the others. It's got good hot and cold throw for the scents I've used thus far, and you pour it hotter, so I find it easier to clean up. I've used it for tarts and votives with good success. Hope this helps! :grin2:

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Are you using it for votives? if so, I had similar predicament and bought some Accusoy 24 before it's price went up. Not sure I like it as much, although it may be because I am having to learn a new wax after mastering the last (V-1).

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Yes. I use EcoSoya PB for votives as well as pillars. I also use NatureWax C3 and palm wax for votives, depending on whether they are molded votives or poured directly into votive containers.

Chasing pricing is often false economy. I am not going to abandon a product that has performed well for me simply because the price goes up. What I will lose in terms of testing (testing cost includes the labor to do so) is not worth the few extra dollars I will pay per case of wax or for shipping. The ONLY reason to chase a less expensive wax is if you are able to eliminate shipping by switching.

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Yes. I use EcoSoya PB for votives as well as pillars. I also use NatureWax C3 and palm wax for votives, depending on whether they are molded votives or poured directly into votive containers.

Chasing pricing is often false economy. I am not going to abandon a product that has performed well for me simply because the price goes up. What I will lose in terms of testing (testing cost includes the labor to do so) is not worth the few extra dollars I will pay per case of wax or for shipping. The ONLY reason to chase a less expensive wax is if you are able to eliminate shipping by switching.

Thank you for your comments, you raise some very good points!

California candlemakers now have another "local" wax distributor that up until 6 months ago was limited to two (one in southern CA and the other in northern CA). In my opinion, neither one was very competitive with their wax prices compared with those in other parts of the country. So, I was glad when Swans opened a southern CA store this year and offered Accusoy. Candlemaking is my hobby, so the time I spend making candles is actually fun (and cheaper than therapy)!

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I always bought my V1 from NuScent. It was like 49.00 for 50 pounds. Now it is 82.50. I dont mind spending extra money for the wax. I would have to raise my prices alot to adjust to this. I know I am not alone I just wondered if thier was an equal wax at somewhat of a lower price. I live in NY, I wish I could drive to a place, but no luck Thank You everyone for your input..

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If one has to pay shipping as I do, I use the best wax I can for the shipping dollar! :laugh2:So far, I haven't had to change from the wax I like and have worked with the most.

BTW, the distributor map from the NatureWax website shows several NatureWax distributors closer to you than NuScents... I know a couple may have closed and I dunno of any carry V1, but just in case you are not aware of them, you could check...


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