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ISO of a dupe of this disc. BBW scent!

Dana Mae

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It was called "Bergamot Coriander"

I *loved* this scent. BBW discontinued it about 2 years ago or so.

I would love a fo like it, if anyone is familiar with the scent?

"Bath and Body Works Bergamot Coriander. In this energizing blend, clean, citrusy Bergamot essential oil is blended with the fresh, green fragrance of Coriander essential oil to create the perfect invigorating, aromatherapeutic experience.?

Apparently it was one of those you either love it or hate it kind of scents. :embarasse

Any help would be appreciated!



edit: an online search shows it can be found in some products online, they have brought it back? Still would like an FO or similar though!

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millcreek's doesn't have any spice in it.

I don't think the Daystar does, either - the description only mentions bergamot and coriander notes. I think the "spice" in the name may be referring to coriander as a spice. I've not tried it, so I don't know if it compares to BBW or not, I'm just offering it as something I'd seen that might help. :)

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Sweetcakes has it. I liked it well enough to want more and when Angie of SnC had a sale, I ordered a lb and liked it even better than Sweetcakes. Unfortunately, Amy didn't pick up the formula to this one when she bought SnC. Sweetcakes' is very good, though.

I believe Daystar simply changed the name because of all the hoopla about using designer scent names. It's my understanding it's Bergamot & Coriander (B&BW Type). That said, I haven't tried it. But I'm about 99% certain I read somewhere that she simply changed the name to avoid a C&D.

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Yeah, I think I'll try DayStar's first. :) It mentions the BBW scent in the description.

Now if I can only find a good dupe of Philosophy's Pure Grace I'll be all set! :yay: (tried FBD, not very good...someone else has one tho, need to do a search!)

Thanks all, will let you know how it works out!


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