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Question on shrink wrapping something please.


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Since it's soap related, I figured what batter place to ask? LOL

I'm making up a basket for my mom for mother's day. I have a tall basket and am putting soaps and other things non soap related in it for a gift for her. I bought some rolled shrink wrap stuff from Walmart to wrap the basket in, and some double sided tape to make things stay in place. Now, is there a way I can make the rolled shrink wrap work on the basket? Like tape it together then do the heat? Or even run a hot metal something on it to seal it or something? What I originally thought, was that I could go around the basket and gather on top, and use a bow to hold the wrap up there, so it would connect at one point. If I overlap, it would shrink to still cover with no slits, I was hoping.

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That would probably work just fine Vio (the bow idea). Since it tends to shrink as you heat it, I'd hold the ends while you take your gun around your basket. Just to make sure it holds in place or at least give you better control over how much will shrink from the top. HTH

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Oh cool thank you! I see the tool online to use the rolled film, and it doesn't seem to need heat. It must just mush the stuff enough to get it to stay together. I'll experiment with it a little. Thank you!!! :)

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Well it's a good thing I bought a roll of that stuff then thank you! LOL I'm also going to try just to play with it, using a soldering iron and running it across down a yardstick, on glass fairly fast, so see if it will seal it. Can't hurt to play and see how it works! LOL :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just noticed this thread. I used the rolls, but then I found the bags at Dollar tree. You get 2 bags and two pull bows (which I don't use, I like bigger bows) for $1. They are shrink wrap and sooooooo much easier then that dang roll! I just don't have enough hands to work with the roll stuff.

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Yep, our dollar tree has those bags as well, they work great too!

So, whenever I run out of bags that I've ordered online, I know I can just run to the dollar tree and get some for a buck! ;) And the bags are pretty good size too.

I've also done what you're trying to do with the roll, and it works very well, you just need to go slower cuz you really need to hold it together and also hold the top taut if you want it to have ends.

Let us know how it goes.

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