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Discoloring in Uncolored Palm Wax Meltpool

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Ok, this is not a problem just with Palm wax but I am experiencing it quite a bit right now in non-colored Palm wax -- double wicked in 3" dia. jars with either CSN's or CD's. Some fragrances are worse. It is not soot. It is that discoloration that I believe happens from the reaction to heat over time. I have had this happen with soy/paraffin blends as well and sometimes with my soy but not always. I want to go colorless for my spa line but think now that I may need to go colored. Even though it is not soot it just looks ucky to me -- brownish/grayish/yellow look in the re-solidified meltpool area.

Do any of you who use Palm colorless have this happen sometimes in double wicked containers of this size? The jars, palm wax and finished product has such a sleek classy look and then I feel like it becomes not so pretty after it is burned a few times. :undecided I guess I feel like customers will not like as well. Should I be that concerned? The non-colored palm has such a great look with the packaging I am using. Thanks for any encouragement or suggestions.

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Thought I would add an observation that I am seeing with my current problem I discussed in this thread. I have two jars with Glass Glow (12 oz. Madison). Both with the same fragrance. One with 2 CD 5's and one with 2 CSN 7's. I noticed that the CSN's have slightly larger flames than the CD 5's but there is hardly any discoloration in the CSN wicked jar compared to the CD wickes jar. You would think that the larger flamed one would have been hotter. I am pretty sure that the discoloration is from the reaction to the combination of wax, fragrance oil and heat. It is by know means a soot discoloration. This is so frustrating. I want to go with the CD 5's since the flames are more conservative, but I prefer the looks of the other one. Although, this particular scent did not discolor too bad. I can handle this one. It is Casaba Mist and Euc & Spearmint that were the worst ones. I have only tested a few fragrances so hopefully I will not run into too many really bad ones.

Any ideas as to why the CD one is worse than the CSN one even though the CD one had smaller flames? Maybe the CD's are hotter even with smaller flames? Or, maybe it is another problem altogether. I am pretty sure though that if I only had one wick in there (which would not work meltpool wise with this wax) I would not have as bad of a problem.

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Be careful double-wicking palm. Palm can get too hot and actually starts smelling burned or scorched. In my experience, the CD is one of the hottest wicks around, so I would go with the CSNs. Carole

Thanks Carole for the heads up. I agree that Palm can get hot. I noticed that when it has splashed on me just a bit (little beads that splash up on me) it seems much hotter than other wax. It will dry immediately but I could feel the difference.

I also agree that CD's are one of the hottest wicks around. I thought that the CD's would be better in this candle since the flames were conservative but maybe they were still hotter than the larger CSN flames. I would not have wanted the flames any smaller with the CD's.

I have been very surprised at how well Palm will double wick in 3 inch jars. Most wax would develop much larger flames as it continues to burn and I have never been able to double wick other waxes in 3 inch jars for my comfort level. I notice that with Palm there can be slightly bigger flames in the beginning but once they settle down they stay steady and never grow much. You can burn and burn and burn and they stay nice. This is really a good thing.....as long as it is not too hot even for nice sized double wicked flames.

As Jackalex said, palm just can't do real well with one wick in 3 inch jars. I just know that customers will complain about any kind of hang-up. They will think it is a money waste. Plus the throw to me is not as good and they won't like that either.

I sure hope I can get this to work. I may have to resort to color or go with another wax altogether and single wick. :undecided

Wanted to add. My uncolored soy will discolor in the meltpool at times with certain oils more than others (16 oz. apoth. jars) but it is not as ugly as the discoloration in palm. I was looking at the really noticeable ones last night and they are butt ugly - to me anyway. I just would not want to sell a candle that starts off pretty and then turns ugly. The weird thing is one of them was one that I had excessively weak flames so far with every wick I tried, and it still discolored...but not as bad as the one that I had flames that were too bad large.

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I agree that 1 wick will leave hangup but when it does it can just be pushed into meltpool. My customers don't seem to mind since the palm is more expensive and they can burn up every bit of the wax just by pushing into meltpool. This is a new philosophy, but so far it's working. The wax is so pretty and holds scent so well, they don't mind having to do a little work burning it. Carole

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I agree that 1 wick will leave hangup but when it does it can just be pushed into meltpool. My customers don't seem to mind since the palm is more expensive and they can burn up every bit of the wax just by pushing into meltpool. This is a new philosophy, but so far it's working. The wax is so pretty and holds scent so well, they don't mind having to do a little work burning it. Carole

Ok, I am going to give one wick a try. I am going to make it with the scent that had the worse discoloration and see what the difference is between two wicks vs. one. Do you single wick a 3 oz. jar? If so, what is a good starting point wick wise either with the CSN's or CD's? I will run a quick search to see if I can find something. Thanks!

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For a 3", try a CSN11. It will burn down on 1st burn, then it goes wider. Carole

Hi Carole,

Thanks. I did a search and found where a few use CSN 12's and 14's. I put the 14 in there before you posted this. I will see how it goes tomorrow. If it is too big, I will go down in size. We'll see.

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