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Soaping with kids (M&P)


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I wondered about doing M&P soap with my kids for something for them to do (they must be in crafting mode....last night they did paper mache projects). Is M&P safe enough to do with kids or should I scrap this idea?

P.S. In case others have seen my other question about a soap I want to do "I am not doing that one with my kids around" (just wanted to clarify).

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it's fine and it's fun! I had a whole Girl Scout troop do it last year and they all thought it was the neatest thing! I did the cutting (soap into chunks) and set out a bunch of pyrex and let them pick their color & fragrance. I added those things and then ran the microwave, but let them pour and spray the tops. Once cooled, I let them add glitter or paint and choose their color of ribbon for the bag/s. We did it right before Valentine's Day and many made heart shaped soaps for their moms :)

my kids have done it several times ~ my 11 y.o. DD is a pro at pouring, spraying, and painting! I just do the cutting and melting.

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Those that have concerns about making soap are due to the lye. MP does not require the use of lye - that part has already been accomplished. You just melt, color, scent and pour. Easy as can be.

Last summer I taught a class of 30 something kids, ages 5-13, an MP soaping class. I was originally asked to teach them how to pour candles, which I declined. Then I was asked to teach them how to make soap. Since I would not work with kids and lye, MP soap was a much safer alternative. The kids had a great time and loved how their soaps turned out.

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