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Did IT!!! A lovely (well almost) BLACK candle

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Hi guys....

I am sooo excited. I bought some black dye flakes from onestopcandlesupply and last night tried making a candle. Heaven only knows the hours I have spent just trying to make ONE really black candle. To date I can't find any black dye here in Aussie that works....so at the cost of $60 aussie dollars for 5 oz of dye....I DID IT!!!

It is 'slightly' speckled on the outside. I am thinking I may have used too much Stearine. Next time I will use Vybar and see if that corrects the problem. I also used an incredible amount of dye...1/2 tspn for a 250gm candle (think thats about 6oz). I tried testing the colour in the freezer and it just didnt seem 'black enough)...but perhaps I was wrong?

I haven't made a paraffin candle for yonks so I was surprised I did so well actually. I also used 10% Stearine...is that right? I have absolutely NO notes for paraffin candles...just went off what my fuzzy brain had stored somewhere.

I am going to wait a week to see how it burns, scent etc...is that about the right time to wait???

I am SOOOOOOO excited!!!

Obviously, small things make my small mind happy!!!



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I buy from Aussie Candle Supplies...but the black just didn't come out black!! I bought black from goodness knows where...but finally I got it!

I wish we had the same things as the Americans do....sob sob.



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I wish we had what the Americans had too, choices, choices and not having to ship products so far!!! You could try Candlelight company and use their black colour block (These are Candlewic stock) I found they work well too.

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Hi Circle,

Do you buy from Natural Candle suppky also? Do you use Paraffin wax at all? I know of a good seller. He sells sasol (hardener for hurricanes etc)...he's definately the cheapest I have come across. He sells heaps of waxes...just not soy.

I buy a lot from the States as well...source out whether it's cheaper to buy from there ..add the postage and see h9ow I go. My email is hellenr@optusnet.com.au if you want to know email addy's etc



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