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Raising prices????

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I've "officially" been in business for one year this month. I sold well last year at the Farmer's Market which I will sell at again, it runs from The Last week of May to the end of Sept. Then of course I was busy for the holidays. I went online in September and did really well through the holidays there too.

Now it has been slow for a couple of months. I knew it would as this is the slow time traditionally from what I hear. But I am worried. With the economy keeping people from buying stuff (thier expenses are going up to and thier salaries aren't!) how can I raise the prices of my products in accordance with the significant price increases in my supplies? I sell a 4.5 oz bar of soap made with fresh handmilked goat milk from my farm for $5. I've never had any complaints from those who know what good soap is (some from the dial crowd of course!).

maybe I just should swallow it and take a cut in profits (like I'm even making a true profit after the first year!).

Is anyone else raising their prices?

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I have went up on my prices. With soy the way it is, how could you not? I also went up on my car fresheners, my lotion, my multi freshener, soap, heck, I went up on everything.... Like you said, may not be so great for new customers but those you have hooked will continue to come back as long as you are making a product they love.

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It's almost inevitable that alot of businesses will be increasing their prices this year, just because they have to compensate for increases on their supplies,shipping,packaging,ect. I have already done that at the shops I'm in ,and I haven't noticed a drop in my sales,which is a good thing. normally in the past,I would do my price changes in Aug./Sept. before my show schedule began. That way, it wouldn't be so shocking for my customers. As much as I hate to do it,unfortunately it must be dealt with. I will be offering "bundle sales" (buy 3 or more @ a special price) at my shows , just to encourage more sales. Hopefully things will turn around,after the election I've been told, and we won't have to keep taking so many hits. I wish you success !

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I went up and so far have not had one complaint. What I am seeing this year is more sales in the hotter months than usual. It seems that more people are staying home, so they are buying home products. I have been amazed at my sales in the last 2 weeks. I am in Texas and it is very hot. But they are buying a lot of candles. Works for me. :yay: Gp up and if you have trouble, run a sale.

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