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Organic Labeling Question

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Does this help?

"The AMS published a final rule on national organic standards on December 27, 2000. Under revised labeling laws, finished organic products can bear the USDA organic certification seal beginning in the fall of 2002. Labeling requirements are based on the percentage of organic ingredients in a product. Products labeled as "100% organic" must contain (excluding water and salt) only organically produced ingredients. Products labeled "organic" must consist of at least 95% organically produced ingredients."

Found here:



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Ok, I am the worst one at percents (and math in general) but I just happen to be doing fractions with my DD homeschooling right now...

Wouldn't this be 75%? At least for your specific example... 12 ingredients can be broken down in four groups of 3... 9 of them organic is 3/4 of the entire amount right?

I think she's not trying to say 'Organic' - knowing you can't be vague like that and mean to convince people it's 100% ... but to rather specify the actual amount. I can't say for sure but I don't think it's the same thing as the 'Organic' claim... should be just fine to state the specific amt of 'organic'.. even if it isn't 100 % and especially because it isn't 100%.

Did I just make any sense? lol

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Well....kinda, cuz the 75% would only be true if all ingredients were equal. You could have 75% of your ingredients be organic but those same ingredients might only make up 25% of the product.

You would need to figure the % of the bar for each ingredient individually and add them up.

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Tru dat! :o

So would the easiest thing be to add her weights of organics and compare that to the non organic weights for a % ? I know that doesn't give you a formula, Soft, but it will give you the right numbers to work with.

(thank God for online HS resources! ) I'm just going to bow out of this one now, lol:tiptoe:

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