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Can I use spices in CP soap


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I would like to make a batch with Pumpkin Pie Spice, using the real spice. I don't know if this will work, but we have a pretty big (for this area) show coming up this fall and I would like to get some made and ready. Can someone tell me if this is possible. I do not want to use any FO, just the spice. Will the scent come through and how much should I use. If the scent won't come through with just the spices, what is the best fo to use. Most that I have checked out say not skin safe, for candles only.

Any and all help appreciated. TIA



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I use infused oils with herbs and spices with reasonable results, but I’m not looking for the scents in the soap so much as I like what they do to the soap. I did make Turkish coffee soap a short while ago that I supplemented the scent with FOs that is being received well. It has coffee, cloves and cinnamon with coffee, clove and cinnamon FOs and even though I used less than a total of 1% FO is almost too strong for me.

You will need a LOT of infused oil to do it this way. And be careful with “hot” spices. The heat is in the oil and if you use too much it can cause some people discomfort. And it does tend to accelerate trace, so be ready for it. I infused 20% of the oil from my recipe but they were old spices I saved when cleaning the spice cabinet out. Fresh spice is going to be stronger. Add as much spice as you can get in the jar (glass) with the oil. Set it in a dark warm place for a week or two. Strain (a couple layers of cheese cloth works well). Use the oil as part of your recipe. I like to use olive oil to infuse with but any stable liquid oil will work.

When calculating how much FO to use, I use about 25 to 30% of the recommended amount and find it boosts the scent of the infused oils more than enough for me.

I don’t know what spices are in your pumpkin pie spice, I’m guessing it’s the same one I use, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, and all spice. WSP has a pumpkin pie FO that is “Pumpkin, Nutmeg, and Pie Crust” that is rated for soap. I would probably add some cinnamon and clove FOs to it. I got the cinnamon FO from WSP but can’t remember where I got the clove.

You’ll probably want to do a test batch or two to find how much FO you need, and if you like the infused oil in it. Good luck.

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Cinnamon will be exfoliating if you add it straight and also can burn. I don't think you will be able to use the amount of pie spice directly in the batch to get the fragrance you want without having it be too harsh on the skin. I recommend a good FO, but pumpkin pie will discolor!

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Spices scare me in soap, unless it is a decorative element, like sprinkled on top. Certain areas of the body wouldn't be conducive to "spice" per se. Yikes. I can't even think about it. :shocked2:

I was thinking the same thing. OUCH!!

The only time I use spices is to sprinke lightly on top as a decoration. Note: I never use cinnamon :shocked2:

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