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Suggestions on a request!


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Hi Inez! I will do my best!

I made some container with your wax, remember?

I don't know why the asked for a minimum.. maybe they are planning to start with few candles.. to test the market. You know, italians are not big candles fans.

Anyway I need to cover some cost (my time, especially) while I test.

Then when I can find wax (here it's crazy, it seems suppliers hide from business) and I can see their containers I can start to figure out costs. after all i'll have to buy wax and wicks, FOs to me are the most expensive things, but if they provide it... I think their containers are 120 cc (4 oz for our US friends) so not so big.

I asked for an appointment so we can talk of everything. We will see!! BTW do you still have that palm wax?


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Hi again!

Of course you will do your best!:cheesy2:

For the testing: sometimes I am able to charge for it, sometimes not, it depends on the company, the expected order, etc....don't know, my stomach decides these things for me! You'll see anyway.

I do have the palm wax and I know I'm as late as always with shipping the stuff to you (and to you, Sally!:wave: ) - it is terribly busy here, not one customer can decide what he wants timely and then they want their stuff the day before yesterday. Sometimes I do nothing else but making telefone calls, arranging the logistics between suppliers, companies that do the engravings and logo printings on the containers, the companies that make our boxes etc. Oh, and then the kids both got chicken pox! Lovely!

We are still only two persons doing the pouring (my niece - she's really great - and me), most of the time I am alone, but with wholesale orders it is more convenient because I can plan ahead, exactly know when to do what and then I can call my helpers in.

Promise to dispatch the wax until monday, okay?


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Inez don't worry, I was just wondering if it cn be used in containers and it's one pour. I don't want to do a second pour in a container, especially if wax makes the same caves that it makes in pillars!!

Take your time.

Thanks for everything!

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You are talking about the crystalizing one, right? It is one pour, but you have to make relief holes (just like in the pillars) - the palm fat you have tested is definitely one pour (even if it hid this characteristic from you *lol* - you'll see it is if you try it again - put some of it in the parcel again.)

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You are talking about the crystalizing one, right? It is one pour, but you have to make relief holes (just like in the pillars) - the palm fat you have tested is definitely one pour (even if it hid this characteristic from you *lol* - you'll see it is if you try it again - put some of it in the parcel again.)

how can you have a good top with the crystalizing one if you have to poke holes? I tried with votives. and I decided I will never make palm votives!!!!

do you still have palm fat too?

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I'm sorry, I'm a Depp (not Johnny, Depp is idiot in German) - the crystal wax is not one pour:rolleyes2 you have to refill the holes of course.

I always have the fat - it is my normal wax I'm doing 99% of my candles with.

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I'm sorry, I'm a Depp (not Johnny, Depp is idiot in German) - the crystal wax is not one pour:rolleyes2 you have to refill the holes of course.

I always have the fat - it is my normal wax I'm doing 99% of my candles with.

sending you a pm!

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