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Tart packaging

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Oxymoron defined:

"I'm new to candlemaking, I'm ready to sell"

WOW you all are slipping. Took severals posts before the attack squad unleashed it's furry :laugh2:

As for the eco-friendly wrappers or bags. There really aren't any if you think about it. Paper products are eco-friendly in that they decay quickly, but how many trees get cut down to make those paper products?

I guess it's what you think is more important, having trees or less garbage.

Sorry if off topic of best way to wrap tarts. Guess the others are rubbing off on me :tongue2:

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WOW you all are slipping. Took severals posts before the attack squad unleashed it's fury :laugh2:

No Sh*t.

:( Sorry scentsational that you had to experience this. It's like getting your cherry popped around here.

I use plastic pods that hold 4 tarts and sell them for $5. The acetate boxes are from sunshine container in NJ. I think they also have pods that hold 2.

Good luck with your sales and keep up the enthusiasm. :D

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Don't be afraid to ask questions, that is how you learn. Just don't use the words "New" and "Sell" in the same sentence and you'll be just fine:D

Make sure before you sell anything with a wick, that you test the sh*t out of it before even attempting to sell it to someone. Although some of the posters could use a bit more tact, they are correct when it comes to being new and jumping right into selling. In todays world people just look for the slightest excuse to sue someone and there are lawyers only happy enough to take the case.

Use family and friends to test for you only after you think it's perfect. Get a test sheet made up. (lots of examples I think on the board some place) and give it, along with your tarts or candles to a family member or friend and ask them to test it for you and fill out the test sheet.

Like lots of things in business, your going to sink a bunch of money into candle making before you ever see a profit and if you do, your one of the lucky ones. Do it because you like it, not for the money cause there isn't much of that to go around :undecided

Good luck though :cool2:

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Don't be afraid to ask questions, that is how you learn. Just don't use the words "New" and "Sell" in the same sentence and you'll be just fine:D

Make sure before you sell anything with a wick, that you test the sh*t out of it before even attempting to sell it to someone. Although some of the posters could use a bit more tact, they are correct when it comes to being new and jumping right into selling. In todays world people just look for the slightest excuse to sue someone and there are lawyers only happy enough to take the case.

Use family and friends to test for you only after you think it's perfect. Get a test sheet made up. (lots of examples I think on the board some place) and give it, along with your tarts or candles to a family member or friend and ask them to test it for you and fill out the test sheet.

Like lots of things in business, your going to sink a bunch of money into candle making before you ever see a profit and if you do, your one of the lucky ones. Do it because you like it, not for the money cause there isn't much of that to go around :undecided

Good luck though :cool2:

I agree, there are too many sue happy people in this world. After all of this, my husband asked two of his friends who are lawers (one is even a judge) and they both said that the warning labels would be enough, but after reading all of your inputs, I still want to check into insurance before selling. I have no idea on what kind to get or anything though. Any suggestion? I have also given a ton of candles away and had family and friends test them as well as testing one out of each batch myself. Some were good, some were'nt. I realize now that I have a long way to go before selling. Thanks

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If you want to get started with selling, start off with your tarts and spend lots of time testing your candles (for safety and proper burning issues). Even with tarts, you will need to make sure they last a decent length of time or customers will complain that they are no good, won't come back, and complain to others to keep them from buying form you. Ironically, many customers expect as much from a 1-oz tart as they do from an 8 oz candle. If you start off with poor quality tarts, it will be difficult to save your reputation even with making improvements. Test your tarts out in the warmer you plan to sell, so you'll know how long they will last in your warmer. Customers will ask you this. It will vary from warmer to warmer how strong they smell and how long they will last, depending on how hot they get. Some FO's just will not last long in tarts, so you might not want to sell these. Don't put any tarts out to sell until you are satisfied with it, because once you sell it, you need to remain consistent, not changing you ratios, unless to improve it, because customers expect the same quality or better each time.

Your tarts/warmers will bring in some money for you, then you can test your candles as time and money permits. HTH

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