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My first soaps


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I don't have any soap moulds yet so I'm using an ice cream tub & playing with small batches of CPHP.

Here's my first 3 all scented with e.o's & the last coloured with cocoa powder, all different recipes cos I'm having fun playing with all the different oils I got from my supermarket.


petitgrain & lavender (most of the flowers came off !)


ylang ylang & blue poppy seeds


patchouli coloured with cocoa, I wasn't trying for a swirl but I like the dark marbelled effect.

Hope the pics come out.


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Thank you all for your nice comments....did I mention I'm hooked...lol

Thanks for the tip Louise I'll give it a go.

GrandmaArial, I started out with HP cos I don't have a stainless steel pan....or the funds to buy one just now, but I have my old, rather small crock pot.

I can only make small batches but I also get to try out lots more recipes as my oils last a bit longer.


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Yep, you're hooked-just like the rest of us! Welcome to our cult! :D LOL

I want a ylang ylang soap-I just love that scent!

Just so you know Sally, you don't have to use a stainless steel bowl for CP soaping. You can use glass, which is what I use (actually mine is a glass sauce pot, so it has a handle which really helps while pouring. :) ).

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Michi I don't have a glass pot/bowl thats big enough either so it'll be the crock pot for a while longer.

I could make a different recipe every night & I'm loving blending the e.o's & smelling the way they evolve as the days pass.

The ylang ylang is all spoken for ( except the biggest slice which I'm keeping for myself) but next time I make some I'd be happy to send you a sample, it would be really good to get feedback from a more experienced soaper.

Jooniper.........I think I can happily live with this addiction..lol.


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