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$150 for 4 hours? - Come on!

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I was approached by a hospital that is doing a women's health expo. They wanted be to have a booth there and I thought it would be a good thing. Ummm, no. she sends me the information and it is one day (a friday) from 10-2, expected attendees is 300 and they want $150. there's space for 30 booths.

I think maybe she is just barking up the wrong tree with me here. Maybe a doctor or clinic, or something would think it was worth it, but for me no way! I would pay even more than that for a good show with 1000's of visitors if it was even just one day, but 4 hours, 300 people? Not even worth my time to drive there and set up. Sheez, I get 150-200 people in 4 hours at my small town midweek farmer's market!!! (and for that I pay $12 a day!)

Just ranting....

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In the past week I've been invited to exhibit at 2 different nurses conferences. The charge for a 10x10 booth at the 3-day show is $2,300 and the charge for a 6 ft.table at a 1-day show is $1,000. I still haven't caught my breath.

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At the 3-day show there are supposed to be 5500 nurses and at the other one, only 175. I could almost justify the 3-day but since this would be my first time exhibiting to just nurses I am not sure I want to take that chance.

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Nurses are some of my best customers...they make good money and they will spend it. They also don't have a lot of time to shop. I get orders all the time....and with gas prices the way they are ... I'm just sayin' don't be too hasty to pooh pooh the events. I would consider them a sure thing...but that is here and you are there...

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It is true and if you have a convention full of a bunch of women they spend like crazy. even at the farmer's market and other shows a woman there with another friend who they ooo and aaa and feed off eachother's excitement buys way more than one by herself. I don't think that is the case in with this health day though. I don't know, $1000 is still a lot ...

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Nurses are some of my best customers...they make good money and they will spend it. They also don't have a lot of time to shop. I get orders all the time....and with gas prices the way they are ... I'm just sayin' don't be too hasty to pooh pooh the events. I would consider them a sure thing...but that is here and you are there...

Thank you for the insight. I hope I didn't sound like I was discounting nurses since they are also good customers of mine. I guess I am just a little nervous laying down that much money. But it may be just the venue I am looking for. Thanks again.

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wow.. I'm paying $120.00 for a 3 day festival over 4th of July weekend for a 16x16 space with electricity and it usually yields 50-60,000.00 people over the 3 days. You are right about the women spending at convention type things. I have to go to lectures for continuing education credits and sometimes there are fun things to spend money on and it does get spent. If you decide to do it..Good Luck hope you do well.

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