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Label question for gloss tubes


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I have the white 1.8 x 1.8 clear gloss labels and the white weatherproof labels. I was thinking of making the clear for the pretty wand tubes with gold caps. My business name is Little Creek but was thinking maybe going with LC and ovrlap the two letters if I can remember how, lol. I hate this part of the business (labels), lol. I want to keep it simple but elegant. Any suggestions welcomed, again, lol. Thanks.

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Sounds like it would be great.

If you could find a word that starts with C it could also double as the Initials of the product name.

For instance... you have the overlapped LC up in the corner or somewhere... then the product written out... Lip Chill (for instance, lol, or Lip Chocolate, Choice, etc) And the L and the C in the product name would have the same distinct font and color as the overlapped initials of the company.

And or somewhere at the end of the ingredients maybe, if there is room you can then write out Little Creek, but it can be really small since it's not the featured part of the label... yet... it's there.

If any of that makes sense. :tongue2:

I'm not sure what program you would use to make the label. But you should be able to just off set the C over the L and make the C box transparent. Then use your 'nudge' option to adjust it so that the top of the C rests just above the bottom of the L so that it's clear and obvious they are two letters.

Have fun with it!

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