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GL 1285 pillar/votive wax from Greenleaf?

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Has anyone used this? I'm checking out local suppliers since the cost of everything is going up (it would cost me right at $30 to get a case of Ecosoya PB shipped from Peaks, and a bit more than that to get it shipped from Candlescience, on top of the increase in wax prices :shocked2: ), and I came across the GL 1285, just up the road from me in Grand Prairie (local pick-up, woo hoo!). I searched but didn't see any mention of how the wax performs. The Greenleaf site lists it as a soy blend. Does anyone know what percentage might be soy and what percentage paraffin? Thanks for any information!

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Bumping my own thread - Brenda at GL was able to tell me the GL 1285 is at least 50% soy, with the remaining 50% being a mix of other natural waxes and paraffin. I don't know how much is paraffin, and I'm not sure I care, because so far, this wax is working like a dream! I've tested two batches of tarts, and the hot throw is amazing. I was burning one in the kitchen, and my son could smell it all the way down the hall (I have a good-size house, 2000 square feet). I poured votives last night. I'll need a second pour, but I'd been having cracking around the wick pin with both Ecosoya PB and the Mill Creek all natural votive/pillar blend, and the GL 1285 hasn't shown any signs of that so far. Paraffin, schmaraffin - I can get the wax locally (which will hopefully help keep my prices down), the throw is amazing, and thus far, it's pouring like a dream. I may be a convert.

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I guess I'm the only one using this. LOL I finished up and tested my votives this week, and I'm very pleased with them. It's a two-pour wax, but they turned out beautifully and burned well. They turn out with a lovely matte finish and release easily from the molds, and hot throw is good. Yeah, I think I've sold myself on it. I'll use up the wax I have on hand, and then I'm stocking up on GL 1285.

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