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Best Wax for Bears

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I've read through the old posts and it seems like everyone uses a different wax to dip there bears in. But nobody has really talked about the wax that gives the best cold throw for dipped bears. I am using my 4045H with 1.5 oz FO pp currently and it seems to be working fine, but I know there has to be a better wax out there that will give off a better cold throw, so I was looking for opinions on which wax will offer the best scent throw. I have only tried my old j223, but it is too soft and sticky...Any input would be greatly appreciated!

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I use IGI 4630a or 4633. I have read that IGI 1343 is best though, so I dont know. I tried it, but I couldn't tell too much of a difference in the cold throw, and I am only using between 1/2-1oz per lb for these. I know you are supposed to use more frag than that for bears, but I thought those were WAY too strong for my liking at least. The 4630 (or 33, whichever I think they are pretty close to the same blend) is a bit stickier that 1343, but when it comes down to it these are supposed to be an air freshener, not a toy people put their hands on all the time. I didn't get any dandruff at all using this wax, and I am a major perfectionist who combs probably ten times more than I need to.

My advice may not be best though, I try to use as few different kinds of waxes as possible, so if I see one that I use for another candle work, then I stick with it. I may just convince myself it's just as good. My hubby will only let me take over so many cabinets for candling haha.

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I know this is going to sound like a stupid question but, what do you mean by bears? Bear shaped candles? Please keep in mind I am a newbie.

You dip plush bears into highly scented wax, fluff them up, decorate them and sell them as air fresheners. They work pretty well. Mine seem to scent better than most of those plug in air fresheners. Plus you have endless posibilities on fragrances to use. And they are adorable imo. :smiley2:

Thanks for everyones responses! I may try the 1343 next. I've dropped pillars from my line so I don't really need the 4045H anymore, just using it cause I have an extra case. Maybe add some beeswax? someone said that will help with the flakes..Thanks again!

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I'm using half 4625 and half 4786.... only because I'm running low on pillar wax and the Tennessee wax run has been pushed back some...lol. Usually I use pure pillar wax. It doesn't make too much difference. As for "dandruff" I fork them bears alot but zap them lightly afterward with the heat gun so I can style their hair a bit longer ;)

I know this is going to sound like a stupid question but, what do you mean by bears? Bear shaped candles? Please keep in mind I am a newbie.

This is one I did a couple weeks ago. And last week... and another this week if the new bears get here in time. Babies, babies everywhere! :D


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