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open house this weekend

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I am having my first open house on Saturday. It is actually at my mom's sewing shop, because it is in town. If I had it at my house, no one would want to come because we live in the middle of nowhere!

Mom helped me set most of it up today, I have a lot to sell, plus I am debuting several scents for spring. I have my stuff in a friend's salon downtown, so I cleaned that out and everything is ready to go for Saturday. I didn't realize how much product I had stocked up! Hope I can sell most of it. I do have some "Yard Sale" stuff priced really cheap just to get rid of it, because it has been sitting around for a while or has some cosmetic flaws.

I am having a sweet snack and a savory one, along with punch and coffee. I am also having a drawing for 3 $5 gift certificates if they enter their contact information. Have at least 10 people coming that I know of. I hope the weather cooperates, but who knows what it will be like in PA on Saturday.

I will try and take pics so everyone can see it. It sort of in a semi-circle set up, so people can just browse around. Sort of nervous, but don't have a lot left to do. My sil is coming over tomorrow to help me label some stuff.

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I hope the weather cooperates for you. I checked to see where you are located in PA. I see it's where that damn groundhog lives. LOL

I'm between Harrisburg and Gettysburg and right now it's snowing. And our forecast for Friday is snow changing to sleet and freezing rain late in the day. But Saturday they are saying it's supposed to be sunny. So I think you will be fine.

Good luck with your open house. I love doing them.


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