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When Soap Seizes


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Basically, it's a bad reaction with the fragrance and lye. Rapidly, you have a rock solid pot of soap that is impossible to get into a mold.

You can throw it away, but there is another option.

I just had 9.5 lbs of soap seize. BAM!!!! Instant rock in just a minute after I added my lye water to my oils and fragrance. You could not even stir it. I took the pot, put it on the stove, lit the burner on low. I added some water to make up for the discount (some water evaporates during HP so discounting is not recommended) and 1 tablespoon of regular sugar per pound of oils.

I continued to stir until I thought my arm would fall off, but eventually, it all became gelatinous. At the point that all the rocks were melted, I poured it into the mold.

I did not even color it and it won't win any beautiful soap awards, but it will be soap.

This has not happened to me in a while, but I wanted to give the new soapers a heads up so that they know what their options are if this should happen.


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I had a the second big seize of my life Saturday using condensed milk in a recipe. I put mine in the microwave! No sugar or extra liquid, but got the same result, and it's ugly as all hell, but it lathers great and smells good to boot.

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Great thread for us newbies.

I like the microwave idea since my soaping pot is not really a pot but a plastic rubbermaid pitcher. So, what's the temp & time if doing this in the microwave? Would love to know just in case I have to do.

Thank you all for these great tips.

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I soap in a large plastic mixing bowl with rubber on the bottom (from IKEA)

It was only a 35 oz. oils batch, I put it in the microwave on Power Level 7 for a minute, checked it and stirred it around, put it in for another minute...same thing, then put it in for 30 seconds and that did the trick.

It wasn't really 'fluid' like a medium traced soap (I didn't add any liquid), but it was more like a rebatch. It poured into the mold, but very thick. Banged it on the counter a couple times and just let it sit til it was cooled off.

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Thanks for that tip E! Thank goodness you were able to save that huge batch!

I've had this happen ONCE (knocking on wood) and I had no idea I could salvage it, so threw it out.

It's nice to know there's still life after seize! LOL

Thanks as well to jbren-sounds like it goes much quicker in the micro.

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