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Ok ladies what the heck happened to this soap?


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I made some soaps this weekend and well. I think that I was hit with soap faries. Damn them!!

The first bar looks really great color wise. I haven't done any cleaning up on the bars yet.

The second bar. It seems that all the outer bars look like this. Yes, I wrapped my soap with saran wrap covered it so no air would get to it. The edges of the bars seem to be crumbley but the bars are not lye heavey.

The recipe was just one I was playing with.

31.5 ounces palm oil

15.75 coconut oil

15.75 rice bran oil

16 ounces of water

8.9 ounce of lye.

so what do you ladies think might have happened?



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I've had something sorta like this that happened with one of my batches. It was ash INSIDE my soap. No amount of wiping, or cleaning up got rid of it. No idea how it happens though. But it was still good soap... threw it in the box for family use. :)

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Here's another ? for you ladies. Is there anyway possible that I got a batch of palm that has a lot of stearic in it? I noticed today that there are what looks like little grains of salt in the palm oil when it is heated. IS it possible that I got the bottom of the barrel and maybe who ever packaged it didn't stir it really well???

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Definitely looks like partial gel to me, and crumbly can very well be because of the no gel in the corners. Did you insulate? And yes, your palm very well can be stearic heavy at the bottom of the pail. This is very common because they fill the pails while the palm is heated/liquid. As it cools the stearic settles to the bottom. This is thru no ones fault, and you need to be aware of it so you can re-melt and mix. This can happen to palm from all suppliers--good luck.

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Here's another ? for you ladies. Is there anyway possible that I got a batch of palm that has a lot of stearic in it? I noticed today that there are what looks like little grains of salt in the palm oil when it is heated. IS it possible that I got the bottom of the barrel and maybe who ever packaged it didn't stir it really well???

Most definitely a possibility!

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