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It has been a very long time since Ive been around here, but I am getting back into things again and I have done the goats milk m&p in the past, and the people who have used it mention it has a good creamy lather and is moisturizing. However one of them has very dry skin and has never been able to use a soap that didnt dry her skin out. She said mine is working well but she still uses a moisturizer afterward because her skin is so dry it literally gets flaky. I was thinking could I add some avacado and or shea butter. Would that be the best choices to make it even more moisturizing for someone with such dry skin? Or does anyone know of a better option. I know I may need to try a few for her to see what works best for her, but just wondered if avacado and shea were a good start, or what oils or butters are the most moisturizing. Thank you!

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Hey Laura. Welcome "back." Your ideas of avacado and shea could help, however you mentioned one having actual flaking of her skin. Her skin condition might just be beyond anything a simple soap can take care of. Some people need extra moisture and have to use lotion.

If the majority of people are not complaining of it being too dry, your formula is probably pretty good. Not saying it isn't worth the venture to work on something that is extra beneficial for sensitive skin, but there are some skin issues that won't be solved by a bar of soap.

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