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Has anyone tried the Astorlite Q?

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This is a 100% vegetable mottling container wax. It looks pretty and would cure the frosting issue. I can't seem to find reviews for this. Maybe there's a reason for this :undecided


I think that is the wax that many think Mia Bella uses. I don't think the FO load is real high. It does have kind of a unique look. Will be interesting to see what people have to say about it. :)

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I heard Mia Bella's candles are very highly scented though?? I didn't realize their's were mottled. When I spoke to the owner of Mia Bella Candles, it sounded to me like they use a brand new experimental cutting-edge vegetable wax :undecided Guess that might have been his usual sales pitch :smiley2:

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I heard Mia Bella's candles are very highly scented though?? I didn't realize their's were mottled. When I spoke to the owner of Mia Bella Candles, it sounded to me like they use a brand new experimental cutting-edge vegetable wax :undecided Guess that might have been his usual sales pitch :smiley2:

There was a thread on Mia Mella awhile ago and someone who used to sell them said that when she found out it was not 100% soy she felt mislead. I have some in my closet that I have not finished burning. I ordered some when I was on the hunt for another candle to sell when I found out I could not distribute Gold Canyon because someone else did too close by. I considered selling Mia Bella but decided against it because I was not completely sold on them, did not like the label and did not like their program as much. The scent throw was pretty good with some but not with all of the ones that I got. I prefer Gold Canyon. I have one of their candles that I have not burned much of because the throw was not that good and when you smell it (up to the jar when not lit), it kinda has a crayon smell to it. They do have a Green Tea candle that I LOVE. I love Peak's Green Tea too but I would also love to find the one that Mia Bella has.

I am not sure if the Astor Q is what they use, but I did read on here or some other board that it appeared to be the same. I could be wrong. The wax looks "crystally". Maybe they have changed their wax and are now using a formula of their own. It was last summer when I looked into them.

If you try the Astor Q, let us know what it is like. I think I remember some threads on it from the old board.


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The astorlite Q is not what is in the Mia Bella candles. We had a discussion on the old board and think it is the Strahl & Pitsch veggie blend wax. I have tried that wax, and it looks identical to what Mia Bella uses. I think it also easier to use than the Q and has a very pretty pattern to it, as you can tell by the Mia Bella candles. The Q has it's pros and cons. On the pro side, it is very pretty, once it sets up. You can pour it hot. On the con side, to me it has a slight crayon smell to it, you have to poke large relief holes in it and keep them open, otherwise you get caves. You need to do a repour into the relief holes after it is cool to fill in the voids. It can be a bugger to wick as well. And last but not least, to get a good scent throw out of it, it needs lots of cure time, as most palm waxes do. But it does make very pretty candles, if you have the patience. :D

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Thanks Kaybee for that clarification. :) I must have been in on another board discussion or did not see the final outcome. I see that you also detected the crayon smell as I did. You are right, it is a pretty wax for that type -- kind of a crystal look. It sounds like an interesting wax. Thanks for the insight on it. :)

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I've recently received a sample of Strahl & Pitschs' SP487P from a Canadian Distributor. IMHO, beautiful appearance, had to poke holes for top up, let cure a couple of days. I was using my strongest oil that I carry and I had absolutely no hot scent throw off of that wax. Wouldn't just order it based on looks. I've never experienced this Mia Bella that your all talking about, but we have a reputable candle mfg. here called Country Home Candles. Their container is a paraffin product, has a mottled look to the wax, but has a crytally appearance on the top of the jar. The scent throw is very good on their candles and I'm assuming that it's either a special blend they get produced for them or their loading in additives to get the look and the throw. Could be Mia Bellas' secret recipe also?

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I liked the S & P wax better as far as looks went. But for me it wasn't an overly strong thrower either, so it is back in the cabinet for now. I think most palm waxes are that way. Maybe later on, I will try mixing it with something else to see if I can get it to throw. But that will be much later on, prolly when I have nothing better to do, LOL!

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