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M&P salt bath?


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Ok, I was watching Martha Stewart.... yup, I really gotta stop watching the DIY network :laugh2:

She made some M&P soap, just basic clear with a couple drops of EO and some clay. Anyway... after they hardened completely, she rinsed the bars in a "saline bath", let them dry, then rinsed in clear water.

Is there any reason for this? Maybe help with the sweating or shrinking or I dunno... any reason at all? I like playing with the M&P but hate the sweating and I'm NOT good with shrink wrapping. She shows them not wrapped at all afterwards which is probably just to look pretty for the show, but with the salt bath maybe they don't need wrapped?

Any ideas?

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Well shame on Martha for not explaining that part!!

I've never heard of a "salt bath" or rinse like that. Did you try it? Maybe it protects it a bit, if you don't wrap them. Salt can be a preservative and can prevent the growth of bacteria. That would be my guess. Although I'm not sure a simple rinse would do the trick, but ya never know.

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Yup! That was the one! :yay:

She shows here..

5. Combine about 1 tablespoon fine sea salt and 1 cup warm water. Wash the soap bars in this salt-water solution. Let soap dry completely, then rinse it in plain warm water.

But still doesn't say why :(

I seriously doubt it would be to wash off the clay since it's mixed in the melted soap base...

Curiosity killed the cat, but only drove the human nuts! :laugh2: Gonna have to do some serious googling next week while I'm waiting for my new log molds to be made :grin2:

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One can NEVER watch too much DIY network!!:yay:

My checking account will disagree with you! :laugh2:

Unless of course they are watching the Food network!:laugh2:

Naw, never watch it, especially since I don't cook. Well, I do bake a mean frozen pizza and microwaved Chef Boyardee Raviollio (nope, can't spell either of them...lol)

I have very little left in my kitchen for food. It all has wax or soap on it :laugh2:

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If i'm wrong then I apologize but I think that is not mp. Its possible its a cp olive soap base. I just say that because it looks like the base cp soap I use for rebatching. If you put mp in salt bath it might dissolve especially if its sea salt. Like I said if I'm wrong then I apologize. I have some mp left I'm going to try this out!

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