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Help - need to find Candle Supply Central's "Sleigh Bells"

Dan Furman

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Hi all,

Am looking for a particular scent. When I first started making tarts, I used Candle Supply Central for my scents (didn't know any better.) They were "ok", but after awhile, more and more of them smelled almost like vinegar. I stopped using them and moved onto other suppliers (and saw what I was missing... and now CSC is gone.)

However, CSC had this one fragrance I LOVED that I cannot find anywhere - sleigh bells. I have tried other suppliers scents of the same name or similar, but they aren't the same.

Is anyone here familiar with the CSC "sleigh bells", and where can I find a dupe (again, I'm not just looking for scents of the same or similar name - I'm looking for someone who knows what the CSC one smelled like, and has found a match.)

Thanks in advance!! :)

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Maybe it would help if you described it. Do you have the original description from them, and can you tell us what it actually seems like to you? Some of us may have something similar and can send you sniffies.


I don't know if this will help, but I'll try.... it was a very sharp, crisp winter scent. Not powdery like many other "snow" scents tend to be. Had a nice pine undertone, but not overwhelming in a "yup, that's pine alright" way. Not really minty (like Jack frost is minty - this wasn't.) No berries or such either. Just.... "fresh"

I really liked it, and miss CSC if just for that one scent (actually, I'm probably being overly harsh to CSC - they had a nice witches brew too. It's just the overall quality left a lot to be desired as time went on.)

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That makes me think of spruce, which would be fresh, bracing, and not piney but reminiscent of pine. It wouldn't be powdery but it could make you think of Winter in the outdoors, and the whole horse-drawn sleigh and bells schtick. I've used one called 'Sugared Spruce' which I like, but I'm not sure I still have the bottle to tell you where I got it. But I'll look.


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I have no clue who CSC was so of course I never smelled this scent. I tested this one from Sweetcakes in Joy wax from NG. Don't know if it's anywhere close to what you are looking for but here's the description off of their site.


Sleigh Ride FragranceLike being whisked through the forest in a one-horse open sleigh! Top notes of cedar, pine sap, and balsam lead to mid-notes of jasmine, lilac, and fresh citrus, with soft, sweet bottom notes of amber, precious woods, and vanilla. One whiff, and you'll be dashing through the snow, laughing all the way, too! Flashpoint: 176* F.

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Actually I got an email from them awhile back (was on their list as I too used some of their FO's when I first started out) and they are back in business. But I can't remember what their new name was. They were getting back in the FO business from what I understood. I didn't really pay attention as I thought their FO's were pretty much crap with the exception of a few of them. They did a lot of their own blending too but that one isn't on the list of the one they did blend.

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I thought their oils were crap too, but it sounds like you may like Snowy Pine from Farmhouse or Winter Blast which is excellent from Wildfire. CSC had a Christmas Splendor which I loved, and Tennessee's is the same scent, but better quality oil. I think they way over-diluted their oils, but they insisted they didn't.

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