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Dan Furman

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  1. I don't know if this will help, but I'll try.... it was a very sharp, crisp winter scent. Not powdery like many other "snow" scents tend to be. Had a nice pine undertone, but not overwhelming in a "yup, that's pine alright" way. Not really minty (like Jack frost is minty - this wasn't.) No berries or such either. Just.... "fresh" I really liked it, and miss CSC if just for that one scent (actually, I'm probably being overly harsh to CSC - they had a nice witches brew too. It's just the overall quality left a lot to be desired as time went on.)
  2. Hi all, Am looking for a particular scent. When I first started making tarts, I used Candle Supply Central for my scents (didn't know any better.) They were "ok", but after awhile, more and more of them smelled almost like vinegar. I stopped using them and moved onto other suppliers (and saw what I was missing... and now CSC is gone.) However, CSC had this one fragrance I LOVED that I cannot find anywhere - sleigh bells. I have tried other suppliers scents of the same name or similar, but they aren't the same. Is anyone here familiar with the CSC "sleigh bells", and where can I find a dupe (again, I'm not just looking for scents of the same or similar name - I'm looking for someone who knows what the CSC one smelled like, and has found a match.) Thanks in advance!!
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