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Eugenia's shoe box soap questions


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I can't take this any longer. I really need to try and make some soap. Just one time. LOL I'm just itching to try this. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61968

I can see the basics I need, and it looks like they all might be found in a Walmart grocery/pharmacy section.

Is the coconut oil the same one we can get at Walmart for candles? The one in the can?

Can you use another herb like basil for the coloring part? Can doing that burn your skin, I guess is what I want to ask. I'd think basil to be mild, but not sure so better to ask then to burn myself. LOL

A stick blender is a good thing to have. Anything I should know about what to avoid or look for in one?

The lye part. I just buy regular lye? Like there's nothing special about it? Just the white one with the handle and the red cap like I've seen around?

I'm going to Walmart tomorrow, and was just thinking of maybe picking this stuff up, so when the kids are out of the house next time, I can try this. :)

Does a plastic bowl do better to keep the batter from tracing too soon? I know I've read too much mixing with stick blender can cause it to happen too soon, but was wondering if stainless bowl compared to plastic mattered. Can't seem to find anything that says it, but I do see kits with plastic bowls. Just wondering.

I've been reading a lot about soap making for a month or so now, and just can't take it anymore. Really soon, I need to try this. :)

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I don't know what coconut oil you use for candles but the one at Walmart is a brand called Louann (not sure of the spelling) but it is a white jar with a green lid and sells for around 3 bucks.

You can not purchase Red Devil lye anymore at stores unless you luck out and find it at a mom and pop store. But...you can buy some at Lowes and the brand is Roebic and it comes in a plastic jar that is tall and slim for aboutr 9 or 10 bucks.

I have a hard time finding good stick blenders, be sure to read the directions before buying b/c sometimes they say not to run it longer than 5 minutes at a time. That won't due for soaping sometimes, especially for cphp. I don't run it to long for cp b/c I pour at a very light trace.

As for the bowls, I have used stainless and plastic and haven't noticed any difference. I like plastic b/c I can place in the microwave to warm oils easier if I need to.

I don't know about the basil, I would think it would make a great scrubby for the soap but not sure on the colorant. I know cinnamon is bad for the skin. If this is your first soap I wouldn't worry about color, that is just an added extra for soaping. Try and focus on making the soap first then get creative.

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TexasBrat thank you!

OK so I'll hit the Lowes for the lye. Thank you! It will make it much easier knowing that because I have to get some food stuff at Walmart and can do that last. Will go to Lowes first thanks! :)

Stick blender check for warnings about the 5 minutes thank you!

OK will just try and get the method down. Won't worry about color. In Eugenia's recipes it has parsley color so just was wondering if I could use basil, but I won't fuss much with it yet. The last thing I want is too much distraction with this. LOL Thank you!!! :)

Yeah that's the coconut oil that candle making uses too thank you! Good to know I can get this at the food store. Thank you so much!! :)

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I noticed she says she chose the whisk b/c the recipe she chose for the tutorial traces fast. If it works with a whisk it would save you a few dollars to not get the stick blender just yet and use the whisk. You might be able to find a silicone whisk if you can't find a stainless one but I'm sure you can find a stainless easily enough. Eventually if you like soaping you will want a stick blender.

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OK cool enough then thank you for the money saving tip. I don't plan on soaping all that much, so it would be nice to not have to buy one just yet thank you everyone for the advice!

And thanks especially for the tip on the silicone wisk. I was just too afraid to trust just any old wisk from the store. I know aluminum is a huge dangerous no no, so figured if I can't find stainless, the hand blender would work. Forgot they have those plasticy ones now! LOL Thank you everyone!!!

Too cold to go out today. It's like 10 below with the wind chill so will venture out tomorrow. Bad enough I have to pick daughter up from after school activity today. Extremely cold day for us here. Can't wait to make my list up though and get the stuff tomorrow! Thank you for all the help!! :)

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Thank you Eugenia! :)

I've never ever done this before, so just wasn't sure. I'm sure I can find the whisk I need if I have two types to choose from in the store. I know the one I have, I have no idea what it's made of, so just don't want to risk it. I'm kinda scared to do this, but can't wait. :)

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I was just at Target and in their dollar bins they have plastic whisks for a dollar. I didn't look to closely at it since dh was with me :rolleyes2 but I think it would work just fine. They also had spatulas in the dollar section and silicone muffin cups. The cups would make cute soaps and work great for excess that won't fit in the mold.

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If you have a dollar store near you, you can get a whisk, spatulas, big plastic 8-cup measuring cup to weigh out your ingredients, a plastic 4-cup measuring cup w/handle to hold your liquid where you will pour your lye into it. long handled plastic spoons, etc. HTH

You can also pick up a stick blender at Wal-Mart for about $8.

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Whoo hooo! I love to save money so you don't know how much I appreciate this! I have a dollar store near me, and a Target as well. Planning my route for tomorrow. LOL

Thank you very, very much!!! :bliss:

I was thinking earlier, of maybe changing the recipe. Realize now after reading tons more, that it's best not to. Was going to try a castile soap at first but am just going to go with this recipe as it is. I didn't know how much was involved with temps and stuff, when working with the oils and wax. The hardness and possibly making it less lye more oils to make it softer. I think I'm going to take this verrrrrry slow and just see what this specific step by step does for me. LOL

I'm so excited! Can't wait to get the chance to make it! I won't even try it unless the kids are fast asleep or even better both out with the husband. I have to get good goggles too. I checked the ones I have and they have little side guards. I want ones that go flush to my head. Very nervous about this lye thing but I'll be ok. Just going to be sure to wear shoes as well, and be extremely cautious.

Anything splashes, I'm stripping down while running to the shower. Wearing long sleaves and pants too.

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I don't like goggles, I bought safety glasses from Walmart for $4.97 and they have pink too. :wink2: I hate goggles b/c they fog up and are harder to put on and remove and they leave lines on the face. The safetly glasses work just fine.

The oils once mixed with lye becomes very slippery so be careful and wearing gloves and longsleeves is a good thing. Don't freak out though if you get some on you, it burns a bit but it is not anything to get to scared about. Just rinse under cool water and you will be fine.

It is definitely a good thing to not have distractions like kids around when you are making soap for the first time.

Have fun.

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The hardness and possibly making it less lye more oils to make it softer. I think I'm going to take this verrrrrry slow and just see what this specific step by step does for me.

Vio, when you enter your combo of oils into a soap calculator, the lye returned is a fixed amount. It's the amount of lye required to make that combination of oils turn into soap. That's why you have to run every recipe, even if you change just one thing. As an example, the amount of lye required to make a batch of 100% coconut soap, 1#, is 2.79 ounces.

The amount for 100% olive is 2.06 ounces, a very different number.

The superfat value can alter that number slightly. I would recommend always soaping in the 5-6% range. Low superfat can be harsh soap and high can go rancid.

The water amount can vary, that's your percentage of lye solution. The less water, the higher the percentage of the solution. A stronger solution means less water to evaporate during the cure period. My standard is 33%. On as castile, I use 40%. I did the lesson with a 33% solution.

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Thank you TexasBrat!!! I will just use the safety glasses then. I already have a pair so I'll use them. Thank you! And thanks for the talk on the lye too. I just get freaked out. I think like acid that will eat my skin. I've never really been exposed to it and see what it can or can't do, so I thought it was like acid that would make you see flesh quick. I'm going to do this right next to my sink to be careful. Will mix my lye right by our basement door with the door wide open, so the fumes don't get to be too much. I've read a lot about the lye thing and saw it mentioned so much it's ingrained in me already, avoid volcano, do not pour water into lye. Sprinkle in little by little.

I'm going to buy a big deep bowl so this way if anything fluffs up on me when I mix it, it won't be coming over sides and first time and going to mix it right in the sink till I think it's reacting properly. I have a window right by my kitchen counter, to the left of where I'll do this so will even leave that cleared in case I have to toss anything in an emergency. Can you tell I'm nervous? LOL ;)

I do want to get something with a firm handle on it for the lye. The only spare pitched I have has a flimsy handle that when it's full almost feels like it might collapse and makes it shaky. I would spend a few dollars to invest in a stable plastic pitcher for lye use.

Going to get some just for soaping cheapie wooden spoons too so I don't have to use my candle ones. They have a nice 4 pack at walmart with no finish on them for like 1.50. I'll check the dollar store first to see if they have them. :)

Oh and another medium sized storage bin to start up for soaping stuff so nothing gets tossed in a drawer on accident since I'm going to use plastics.

Eugenia thank you very much for your help and I am going to look into what you're saying more, so it sinks in. I surprisingly got the hang of the soap calcs pretty fast. I remember when I first saw one and it looked like rocket science to me. It was very intimidating. I was playing with it before and just could stop. I still don't know my oils, but I'm going to learn. Would love to be able to make soaps for the family. I can't wait!!! :bliss:

Thank you all for your help and guidance!!! :)

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Hey vio--

You mentioned coconut oil at walmart... are you talking the supercenter? Or one could find it at a regular one. I've tried looking and mine doesn't carry it? It's a regular one, though a super center is opening on the other side of town soon.

And I got some red palm awhile back from a local grocery store, but I'm scared to use it. Is it normally red? I've seen it where it isnt'. Maybe it isn't safe to soap with? Thanks for letting me barge in the your thread so to speak, but I've got the same excited yet reserved feelings you do. haha Thanks for any help you can offer!

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The coconut oil is only found at the Walmart's that have the food store. Yes the supercenters. I never bought it yet, but we do have a Supercenter so I'll go there.

I've never seen the red oil. Sorry. Maybe someone else could help on that one.

I had to call today off. Right before I was about to go out this morning the school called. Daughter threw up and I had to pick her up. Oh well tomorrow I'll get the stuff. In the snowstorm! LOL :)

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Well I lucked out!! My husband came home and watched the kids while I went out and bought stuff. LOL

I got my stick blender for when I do my castile. I had already gone to a few stores and was tired, so I got the one at Walmart that looked nice. It's a sunbeam 200 watt. Has two speeds and stainless whisk even. Comes in a nice case too. Only 20 dollars. :)

I found the castor oil and OMG they make the stuff in such small little bottles now. I remember it being in huge bottles. It's in a 6 oz bottle or so. I got the last two on the shelves. Just enough! Yay! :yay:

Got my oils and bought a stainless steel whisk. They had no long handled nylon at the 3 stores I had gone to, so just got the stainless one.

I bought some additional measuring cups too. Even picked up some nice cheap cookie cutters from the dollar store for when I make ornies! LOL

I don't like Walmart's olive oil prices. Way too high. I usually get my olive oil at Market Basket or Hannaford at like 12 bucks for the big huge rectangle can. The one that they had at Walmart was like 18 dollars. I got it this time, but never again. Just didn't want to go to another store.

I went to Lowes first and found the lye. I bought 3 of them to have some around. I went to the customer service desk because they only had self serve registers open other than that. Told the woman I need to pay for this here because of the id thing. She looked at me like I had 3 heads! I felt like I was buying drugs or something, almost afraid someone might think I'm making drugsbuying 3 things of lye. LOL I told her it was for soapmaking. I don't think she cared. She thought I was strange I could tell. Oh well. LOL

Yay!! It won't be long!!!!! I'm so excited to make my first soap!!! :yay:

Oh and I bought rubbermaid drawer inserts for the molds. It's like 15 inches long by 6 inches wide by 2 inches high. 2 dollars or so. I thought it should be ok for this recipe. Not much off from the shoebox. If I have too much for some reason, I'll just make soap cakes or something in cupcake papers with the spare batter. :):yay:

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I know!!! OMG I'm going to make soap. Actually make soap!!!! Me...make soap!! :laugh2:

I can't wait!!! :yay:

The molds are Rubbermaid 15" x 6" x 2". They had some dust in them. I took the top one and just fingered out what I pictured a bar size of soap and they looked like they'd work well. That had these bamboo ones too for like 5 bucks, but I didn't want to spend that. I can buy wood for that price and make some. I'm good with power tools! LOL ;)

Oh and I bought the big taping knife like I see in Eugenia's tutorial. It just looks perfect for cutting. :)

OMG I haven't felt this since I finally ordered my wax!!! I'm telling you, I'm loving this stuff. Just imagine people who get to feel this every time they try something new with b&b and candles!! LOL :)

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