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Tin Candles

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I am adding 8 oz and 6 oz tin candles to my product line. I need ideas for labeling. Have several ideas in mind but I just would like to know..... Do you guys who do tins just label the top of the tin or do you have a label on the side or one going all around? Looking for any suggestions or ideas. I don't want too much but not too little either. Would love to see pics or websites of examples just to see how I can get mine a little more professional looking. TIA

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That is what I was going to do because of ease, etc and if you get a clear label and a clear lid, you can still see the candle and yet have a nice looking product and label. Hubby thinks though that it would look bare w/o something around the jar. But honestly it would need to be really small because the tin are for a label is 9 inches around but only 1.5 inches available for the width.

At least I'd know i'm not the only one labeling just this way.

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I use 2 different types of tins for my candles. One type has a clear lid and the other is a solid lid. On both I use just a label on the top. I feel that the tins by themselves are classy looking, and that too many labels would detract from that appeal. Even with the tin that has the clear lid, I use a solid label, because it does not completely cover the lid, and thus you are still able to see the color of the candle wax around the edges.

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