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When dye goes awry --or-- My first CP Swirl


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To say I'm a bit disappointed would be an understatement, even though I knew last night when I poured this that there was going to be some problems. But hey, it's my first CP swirl, so take pity on me. I DID learn some things along the way and will build on that.

This will be called "The Ugly Soap That Doesn't Match the Scent"


When I started put some soap in the cups w/the colors and mixed, it started to trace really fast and get thick...still gave it a good mixing anyway, but apparently not enough as evidenced by the lower portion of the mold. I actually ended up with dye in that end that just oozed when I unmolded and cut. It does look, however, that I will be able to save a few bars out of this batch and I'll just pitch the rest. They won't even be leaving my house, that's how ugly they are.

So my first question: How do I get the soap mixed in the colors without it thickening up? I did use a small skewer thingy to mix, next time I'll make sure I use a tongue depressor-type stick.

Next Question: What types of oils are better for use in the recipes for making swirled soap? Ones that will give me more playing time. I used coconut, olive, almond, apricot kernel, and kukui nut oils.

Another Question: Do the bars ever harden enough like the top surface? The top surface where the colored soaps got poured seems almost like a "crust" to me, is this normal for this type of soap?


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Well I can't help with everything you're asking ... maybe can't help at all ... but I'm trying to remember Bunny's rules and she was adamant about this with me ... get your oils to where they are mixed, but not at trace, just mixed, and pour some off into your color, mix the color, set aside and bring about a light trace, if one hasn't started yet. If you're adding some of the color to do an ITP swirl, do so, pour into molds and finish off with the color. Most of the time you do not want to get to a med-thick or thick trace. Does that make sense? Cover and leave it alone ... don't peek, bring to gel and when ready, you can look. Bunny was strict with me because I couldn't stop stirring enough when the color was in the batter (one turn that's it and leave it alone).

Yes, the bars will get hard. You put the cuts away for like 4-6 weeks and they'll get harder. They harden outside-in.

Those aren't that ugly ;)

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Actually, I think the top is very pretty. A little loud, but still pretty. If it still smells good, I would keep it. Sometimes we are our own worst critics. You probably had something else in your mind for the outcome, and when it didn't turn out, you just think it is ugly. I like it.

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I actually really like that soap and think you should send it all to ME where it will get the appreciation it deserves! :D

As for your questions-i'll leave those up to the swirl queens- I can't get a decent swirl (not even HALF as good as yours) to save my soul, so I'm clueless.

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Aw, you ladies are too kind and I thank you dearly. I had brought my soap to light trace and then did the colors, next time I will do it sooner. I also realize now that I used too much dye, and when I went to mix the soap into it, I stirred too briskly, which then brought the cups of soap to trace wayyy too quick. I did do a double swirl in the pot (hangs head in shame). I'll work on that. I just wanted some color to actually be down IN the bars, but I realize this may not be possible unless I make my main portion colored too maybe.

I do like most of the swirls on the top sort of, and yes, Donna, I had tried to make orange with my red and yellow dyes and needless to say, it didn't work out well for me. It's been so long actually since I put a color in my soaps it's going to take a bit to get back to it.

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Louise! You can get some dye down into that soap! What you pour off and color, when you get done mixing it, just vary the levels where you pour from ... take the spoon and swish it once and pour your batter back and forth going into the mold. I sure hope I'm not confusing you. I'm a bit stoned on lavender so I may only make sense to me.

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lol Scented, I understood you perfectly! Thanks for the tips, I don't think I used a back n forth motion when I poured it into the mold, so will make a mental note on that also, along with the 1 spoon twirl in the pot. I'm going to get this if it kills me, I just hope I don't take others with me :laugh2:

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*writes down Angel's info -- divides the ones I didn't toss in half, keeping one for myself for s & g's and posterity*

Swirling impaired? Heck, what do you think half of this batch was? :laugh2:

No worries though, I've got a game plan down for the next batch ;)

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