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Is this normal?


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Just chalk this up to a hard lesson learned (unfortunately).

I agree with the 'sample box' way to market your products. It's money out of pocket initially (you're in control of the amount), but it's a great way to advertise to folks who are actually willing to pay for something;)

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Giving out samples is a good thing but I agree with a poster above you need to target the who you really want to sell to. I am over the next month or so giving about 400 samples but it is to a targeted group not just anyone that wants one. Truthfully the general public would have no use for my samples and would most likely just throw them away. Some would just take them because they are free with no intension of ever buying.

I like other have said I have sample stuff on my site that they pay for the cost of shipping to try. Which is good it pays for the cost of shipping and just a tiny bit of the cost to make it if it shipped close if it shipped across the country that is all it covers.

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'Freebies' are a whole industry these days, people just like to see how much free stuff they can get hold of. I've signed up for some of those sites and requested samples and freebies for things I would never consider purchasing, because I can. I feel there's no moral wrongdoing, there's no obligation on me to buy something, just because someone gave me one for nothing.

You should at least charge the postage, as it requires at least a bit of comittment from the consumer and more likely to attract the people really interested in your product.

Even if you are only giving 1 in 20 away, imagine you could get another 5000 hits or more and what that will cost you? The WWW is a huge place and news travels at a great speed.

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