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UV stabalizer

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I am in the market for some UV stabilizer. I went onto JBN's site to check out there liquid dyes. I figured while there and having to pay shipping, I'd pick it up from them. Had a little heart flutter when I saw the price for the quantity. I did a little research and from what they say, you end up using less of theirs than other brands. So the price really isn't that far off.

On to the reason I posted.... has anyone found that one UV is stronger than another? If so, what brand did you end up going with.



ETA: also how many pounds of wax would a 2oz supply treat?

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I've tried many UV stabilizers over the years and there is a big difference in some of them, as some don't address both UV rays. I personally like Genwax's the best and BC's is a good one also, but I ended up using more per lb. No one can tell you how much 2 oz. will cover, as some colors require more to prevent fading. For blues, purples and some reds I use 1/2 tsp./lb. and most other colors I use 1/8 tsp./lb. You'll just have to test JBN's to see if it works for you. Yes it is pretty spendy stuff, but well worth it in the long run. :cool2:

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