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testing 4627

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Two days ago I received my first batch of 4627 and quickly got to work pouring two 8oz WM jj's--one was 6% FO and the other was 9% FO, both Love Spell, and poured both at 160. I heated to 180, added a little color, and added FO at 172. Out of curiosity I made another 9%FO mixture and poured at 140. I tested with ECO 8 wicks in all jars, and the two poured at 160 burned beautifully, while the one poured at 140 smoked unbelievably. I'm writing this because I've read several posts where people talk about the 4627 smoking a lot--maybe changing pouring temps would help. I don't understand the science of why that may be--wish I did!!

My problem is that I wasn't quite satisfied with the hot throw of the wax. It was okay, but no more stronger than the 2243/additives that I have been mixing myself. Can someone please give me pointers as to what I'm doing wrong? TIA!!!

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You may not be doing anything wrong. There's no guarantee that 4627 would have more hot throw than a straight paraffin with additives. It does offer you the advantage of flatter tops, better adhesion and higher fragrance loading. You can play around with the wicking though and see if larger/smaller or a different wick type helps any.

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Top, thanks for replying, but I definitely feel I am doing something not quite right (that's an understatement). I've been reading and reading and many people say that 4627 has a throw that will blow you out of the house.

I'm embarrassed to say this, but here is an example of how badly I am doing something. Last night I had 3 of the Love Spell candles burning, each with different wicks, and wasn't getting a good smell or meltpool out of any of them, so out of frustration I lit a Glade candle and sat it beside the other candles and within minutes the smell of Creamy Custard was filling my living room.

I went to bed very disheartened, but this morning I am ready to try again. I've read on several different posts that you recommend pouring this was around 175. I am going to try that now--I've been pouring a bit cooler.

Thanks for your help. I'm going to try different wicks too.


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Well I don't know the exact answer but I hope one or more of these thoughts might be helpful.

1 - If you've been working a lot with this FO you might just have candlenose. It's really possibly to lose like 90% of your ability to smell a fragrance if you've been immersed in it. If you have candles cooling anywhere near where you sleep, forget it. You might just need to snap out of the Love Spell for a while.

2 - Hopefully you're using an FO you have previous experience with and that you've gotten good results from. Trying a new wax and a new FO at the same time could cause some confusion.

3 - You got a sample pack of ECOs, right? :) You should really be testing more than one size wick to try and optimize the burn/melt pool and the scent throw. Sometimes a size down or up can make the difference.

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