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to coat or not to?

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Just curious how many of you that use spooled wick coat yours before you put them in containers or pillars? I don't coat mine and they seem to work just fine. But, I have found that I'm at the highest wick size (CSN 16) for a jar about 3 in in diameter and it leaves one side with wax still on it from the slight curl.

I guess my question would be if it matters that much if you coat the wick before you use it? What experience(s) have you found help make a better burning candle in containers?

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Hey thanks Stella! I have read that elsewhere and while I'd love to do it, I can't. Unless you don't mind answering how you keep the bottoms of your tabs stuck to the bottom of your container! ;)

I warm mine in the oven so I can get a nice crystal form on the outside. But, I've tried a couple of different options to keep the tabs secure on the bottom, but with no luck. While I pour, the tabs come off the bottom because of the heat.

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To getting your wicks to "stick" I use the high temp hot glue sticks and have never had a problem with wicks coming loose in my containers. As soon as the glue cools, which I usually let them sit for few minutes, then you can pour.

In my containers I use the primed -waxed wicking. Would not want to use unwaxed wicks in containers. In my pillar just which ever one I have.

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Unless you don't mind answering how you keep the bottoms of your tabs stuck to the bottom of your container!
Sure. I use high-temperature silicon gasket maker/sealer from Autozone. It's the red stuff - 'spoze to hold up to around 600°F. It's kinda hard to scrape off when reusing a jar, but I have not had any let go and only one leaked liquid wax and allowed the wick to continue burning after it was below the top of the sustainer base. I let it cure for 24 hours then I use those bowties to hold the wick. I give mine a certain number of turns until I can feel the bowtie "snug" itself to the rim of the container. HTH :)

PS we use this method for both soy and palm wax - any container.

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Thanks for all the helpful replies! I'm going to have to take a look. Now that I know how I can get mine to stick, this is going to make a world of difference I believe.

May I ask why you don't use unwaxed wicks in your containers grama?

I use the spooled wick for containers instead of the ones premade, so I have left the wick as is (not primed), so I was curious.

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Well Jadewicks - I never thought of not using unprimed wicks. I don't care anything about having to put wick tabs on and I like the rigidity of the primed wicks in containers. Seems they are just easier to work with I guess:p

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