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Storage Conditions For Soy

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Hi Everyone....I was wondering if storage temperature can adversely effect soy candles. I am having problems with wet spots and some minor frosting both of which seem to appear some time after the candles have set completely.

The candles are stored in a back room in my home and the temperature varies from about 55-68.


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I would say yes just becuase this has gotten brought up before and I know from my experience when they set up in the basement the wet spots are more then if I pour in my kitchen. As for frosting I dont use color so I cant comment on that. If they cool to fast the wax doenst adhere to the glass as well.

But lets not also forget that soy is prone to wet spots and frosting:laugh2:

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My Mad Scientist lab is in my basement, and it tends to be chilly. After I pour candles, I wait for it to set up enough to then carry them upstairs to my toasty warm computer room to finish setting up. It is usually about 75-80 deg in there. I have very few issues with frosting or wet spots if I keep the finished candles warm. However, if I take them downstairs to poke, heat gun and trim wicks, I have to do it fast or else they begin frosting and pulling away. It only takes about 15 minutes to mess them up.

Your storage area seems to be somewhat cooler, so that may be causing the wet spots and frosting. My computer room is normally warm due to my PC always running and pumping hot aitr out of the PC into the room, along with the furnace air.


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Temperature will definitely effect soy. I have some stock candles made that have been around since late summer. Our AC went out and it was warm in our house, then it got cooler in the fall and caused my candles to frost. I would keep them in a room that was a constant temp of at least 70 degrees to avoid this.

Unfortunately you can never totally prevent this but if you have a heat gun it will make your life so much easier! I just zap the jars evenly with the heat gun and they're good as new!

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I definitely found temp & humidity to play a huge factor for pure soy. I'm not sure how long you plan to store your candles, but time will also change the appearance of your once perfect candle. Soy seems to 'grow' or swell w/ age. I pulled out some candles that were about 6 mos old & the wick was almost covered by the swelling of the wax.


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Soy seems to 'grow' or swell w/ age. I pulled out some candles that were about 6 mos old & the wick was almost covered by the swelling of the wax.

That is caused either by storing at too high of temps or the wax mixture formed too many of the wrong type of crystals from the get go and the wax structure is slowly changing to those. If the mixture was properly tempered and the storage was consistently cool/dry (65°-75°), the "growing" phenomenon will not occur.

I feel ya on this - we have had a couple here and there which have "grown" but don't find this to be true in general... By the time ya open one and think "My, how you've grown," it's usually months later and hard to remember exactly what went on with THAT candle from the time it was poured...:undecided

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