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Scented Soy wax in Plastic Pet Jars for Sniffer Samples


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Has anyone ever poured sniffer samples in something like these:


I figure that if I can pour scented wax in plastic tealight cups that these should be fine too. I called a place that carries these and she did say that the specs did say that they were chemical resistent......or something like that, but that she could not quarantee that it would work with wax as it does with lotions, etc. I would think they would be fine. Lotions have FO in them....although not as high of a percentage. Soy wax should not be an issue. It would not be poured too hot.

I have gone from one thing to the next for the right sniffer sample holders and I still have not found the right thing. Here is what I have tried so far:

Small metal tins -- soy wax and some other wax with certain oils will rust in these in time

Bin with tiny (1/2 oz or so) tins (did not have rusting problem with these). Found they are kinda small to get a really good sniff.

3 oz. tureen jars -- this was best so far, but now am afraid they will be much heavier for consultants to carry around and are more likely to break in time. They are the prettiest.

Has anyone tried the pet jars above? I need to nip this in the butt -- get it done!

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I have tried various things also. I liked the little hex jars, but too heavy to carry around, and have to worry about broken glass. I agree the tins can rust, the little watchmakers case tins, too small. So I have started using the 1 oz jars basic PET jars from WSP. I have been using them for well over a year now, and everything is holding and smelling fine. I only had a problem once, and that was when I poured way too hot, it kinda melted the jar a bit on top. Other than that, I pour them last after I finish pouring and have no problems. I like them because they're lightweight and easy to carry around. I put them in a shallow flip top plastic storage container from Walmart, and I can fit quite a bit in there too.

Hope that helps!

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