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Fundraiser Labels

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I did a site search first and couldnt find anything helpful.

I am presenting my candles to a local 4-H group this week. I am stuck on what to put on the labels. I want to present a label with their logo on it and one of my custom made labels without their logo and let them choose. Im just not sure what I should put on the labels. Do I include my business name or website. Or do I just put the scent on it? Any tips would help me greatly!

Ive already been given permisson to use their logo on my labels. Just undecided on how to design them.

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I did a fundraiser a right before the holidays and I didn't use any kind of logo for the club I had done it for. MMMM....I never even considered it. I don't know...it was my first, so maybe I did it wrong.

I don't know. I guess it doesn't matter now. Anyway, I did the 8 oz mason jars for them and I just did a circular label on the top of the lid with my logo and business info. I had run a fundraiser a couple years ago for the cheerleaders and the lady that had done our candles then, did the same thing. So, I don't know, maybe someone more experienced than me can answer for ya.

Sorry I wasn't any help. Just kind of rambled on :P


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When I do fundraisers, I either use my regular candle line with my standard label, or if they want, I can add their logo to the label, leaving MY info intact. Remember, fundraisers are a form of advertising so be sure the customer knows where they can order more.:smiley2:

Federal Law requires that the consumer have a way to contact the mfg. of the product. I show my website addy. They can access me thru there.

What I've done with other products of mine that don't have room for website addy on the label, is having a warning label or ingredient label printed with my website addy on it and affix it to the bottom of the product. That way I have more room on the actual product label for logos and such.



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I have semi-custom warning labels made by Labels by the Sheet that states:

Especially made for [insert name of fundraiser] by [my company name] and put my website on there, it also has the weight listed there too, so the label is strictly the fundraiser's lable. I had three fundraisers in Nov - Dec and it was well received.

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Here is the main issue...I had to raise my prices a bit in order for the group to get either 40-50% on all the items. If I add my website or name then I may get new customers later from this because they will see after buying these items that they can get them cheaper from me. Should I do this and take on new customers or not let them know where the candles came from incase they want me to do another fundraiser later on down the line.

I guess I hate the thought of selling something without getting credit for it, but since it is helping an organization....well Im just confused. I am presenting my candles and a lady from out of state is also. I know that last year she put a 4 H label on her products. The leaders tell me that her stuff was to high and they are more comfy with my prices. I just want to doa good job but still say it wsa made by ME! (Make sense) I have to have the final labels printed by tonight....Sorry to ramble!!!!

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I always use my regular labels on the fundraisers I do. They have never asked for anything different. I don't make a lot of money off of mine - I hate for kids to be selling and not get something for their work so I do 50/50 with them. I always think of it as a good form of advertising.

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