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Need Help with Beeswax Candles

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Hi All,

I'm new here. I currently make soy candles but am interested in expanding my line to include beeswax. I have no idea where to start. Anyone know of a good beeswax supplier that isn't outrageous and what kind of scents do you use with beeswax candles? Straight F/O's or E/O's? Any help is appreciated. I am just trying to get a starting point.

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well not sure if I can help but I too am trying to make beeswax candles.... I have 2 uncles who are beefarmers who are letting me play with their crude beeswax but I am about ready to try and find a supplier myself because filtering wax is quite messy and a lot or work!! My uncles do not filter their wax?? it basically sits in barrels until he gets enough to ship off. Believe it or not I ordered some beeswax off of ebay from ebay store stickybeez and found it for 3.25 lb which was a great price. The wax was filtered nicely and made a gorgeus candle. Burned real well too. Good Luck and if you find beeswax at a good supplier let me know, does not look like too many of us make beeswax...

Oh BTW I do not put any fragrance in beeswax, it already has a natural sweet honey aroma. I have not really heard of anyone using fragrance in beeswax but I am pretty new to this.

Good Luck

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I use honeyglowfarm.com, they are in WI and the quality of their wax is great, VERY clean!! Beeswax makes great candles and can be easily scented if you go that route. Spicy scents work about the best, cinnamon, bayberry, pine, cause they blend well with the honey scent. I make beeswax votives, tapers and pillars and spray all my molds with a silicone mold release and use powdered mold release in my melting wax. It makes it much easier to unmold, especially from metal molds. Wicking can be a bitch, but square braid wicks work great and in my votives, I use LX16's alot. Do a search for beeswax and you'll find several threads for information. Have fun!! :cool2:

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