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I love mushrooms.... raw, cooked even Russian Mushroom soup!! :D

Non-edible mushrooms I can NOT stand.

I know shrooms are talked about alot, I have been reading for days. I would like to know specifically about Ecosoya CBA. I have tested LX and HTP. I have ECO's, CDN's and Premiers on the way.

I have 3.5 inch apothecary jars, 1oz pp FO, very light color and no color. I am testing eggnog and vanilla/mint. Can someone help quide me in a more mushroom free direction. I tried HTP105, great for shrooms, but didn't get a good mp. Too much left on the edges. I have so much info in my brain about wicks it is all mixing together.

Also who has tried CBA and switched to a different wax and why, with what results. I am not married to this wax so switching is an option....though it looks great.

TIA for all your time and help!!

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lol I posted about these buggers about a month ago cause no matter what wick I use I get the mushooms. I use Ecosoya CB135 and have tried numerous wicks and scents.

Some scents shoom more then others so try cutting back the % of the FO or just go to a new scent and see if that makes a difference.

LX dont mushoom as bad for me but they lean way to one side and the throw is not all that great for me. I do use the LX though in my pillars:rolleyes2 its all a mystery and science to me that I am still working on lol

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Welcome to the mushroom farming community LOL

I have been having a terrible time trying to wick my 444 wax in an 3" dia 8oz tin with anything that will not mushroom, no luck. The only thing I have managed is getting a 2.5" dia tumbler to be mushroom free usig HTP83 or HTP93, depending on the FO used. As soon as I got to HTP104 or above, it's fungus time. I do have ECO, CD and Premier on the way to test as well, hopefully something will work. I know my FO is not the issuue since I had the mushrooms with no FO in the testers

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