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Has anyone heard of making roll ons with Grape Seed Oil?


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Has anyone heard of making roll ons with Grape Seed Oil & FO? I know I've seen it used in Cyclo/FO/GSO mixtures(instead of FCO). Thanks? (oh, just for personal use, not to market)

You can make it w/ pretty much whatever tickles your kumquat :D . GSO doesn't have a very long shelf life & it seems too thin for me, so I tend to stick w/ Jojoba Oil for roll-ons for myself.


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I took this off Snowdrifts webby:

Grape seeds are the by-product of winemaking.

Dried seeds are heat pressed and the resultant oil is refined, producing a light weight, pale green and virtually odorless product. There are no cold pressed grape seed oils.

Ideal in lotions and other skin preparations for oily skin, grape seed oil also has good slippage and is basic tool employed by many massage therapists. Its main constituents are linoleic acid, oleic acid, stearic acid, palmitic acid and palmitoleic acid.

Grape seed oil is non-toxic and is often used in low-fat cooking as it contains nocholesterol and has very low levels of saturated fats. Store in a cool, dark place, and keep tightly capped. Fresh grape seed oil has an expected shelf life of approximately 6 months. We recommend using

rosemary oil extract to preserve and protect your oil from rancidity. Blend grape seed oil with more stable oils to help increase shelf life and to add nutrient value.

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All oils including Olive oil have a shelf life of around 6 months. Not sure why my grapeseed oil has a stamp to be used within a year, but it does. Oils need to be stored properly. After taking some cooking classes I was taught Olive oil, peanut oils, etc. need to be kept in the refrigerator after opening.

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