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EO to cover human scent?

Burnt Mill

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After doing a lot of research on the subject, I have decided due to cost, its just easier buying the commercial hunters soaps. Anise really is more for fishing as opposed to hunting. Do a google on hunters soaps, ect and maybe one of the commercial sites will pop up and some ingrdients will be listed there. My guys will not use anything hunting related made by me as far as scent elimination goes because of one wrong scent and those deer are gone!

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It's not so much the scent of the skin but rather the scent of the clothes that give humans away to animals. I know this as I trained tracking dogs for Police forces all over the USA. Unless you smell like absolutely NOTHING, don't bother because whatever the scent, it must blend with whatever is already there for the deer to smell. They leave when a new scent comes in to their area. A new scent can carry for 1/2 mile to a dog or a deer. The body sheds million of scent cones every hour. The colloection of that in one place is overwhelming to animals and they will avoid it. Dogs can still track suspect even when the track is days old and hampered my snow or rain.


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Yeah, all I know of is the anise for fishing.

I googled and found a lot of hunter's soaps (used for camouflaging), but no specific blend. Scents mentioned were: woods, cedar, lemon -- OR marketing an unscented soap as a hunting soap. Seems like the main goal marketed in this area (body cleansing) is being scent-free, relying more on animal urine or other means (scent-free detergents for clothes) to mask human oder. So, as far as soap is concerned, a scent-free soap that kills odor helps with the "overall" preparations.

Donno... maybe someone who's selling this stuff will chime in ;)

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It's not so much the scent of the skin but rather the scent of the clothes that give humans away to animals

But you still have to eliminate all scent of skin as it can still be smelled by the deer right through the clothing. So the human scent and the clothing scent have to be eliminated totally. My guys use the whole she-bang, the scent eliminating shampoo, soap, deo, sprays. I am not allowed to go with unless I have showered with that stuff, becais of all my hairspray and perfume:o

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But you still have to eliminate all scent of skin as it can still be smelled by the deer right through the clothing. So the human scent and the clothing scent have to be eliminated totally. My guys use the whole she-bang, the scent eliminating shampoo, soap, deo, sprays. I am not allowed to go with unless I have showered with that stuff, becais of all my hairspray and perfume:o

That's true enough but understand also that animal can smell and hear 100xs better than any human so any sweat will also give them away as well.

Having been a trainer such as I was, I've tested all kinds of things and no matter how you try and mask it, human scent will always give it self away to any animal. That why tracking dogs are so valuable to police departments!

But yeah, if someone smells of aftershave and shampoo, they will certainly cause the wildlife to be FAR more alert then will as little scent as possile.

What I used when hunting, was the scent of another animal. The scent of a horse generally will not spook deer because it's another animal that is not a preditor to them. Rub a towel over a horse and keep it up in the stand with the hunters. The scent of a horse might cover human scent enough not to spook the deer.


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