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Beginner Tart maker with questions?

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Ok well I am new to all this primitive stuff. But I am gunna start making tarts and work my way up to candles and such.

I plan on using EcoSoya Wax. I see there are a few different types of it, which is the best overall to buy?

Also for scents, does any work or should I buy certain types?

Any other info for Soy Tarts would be greatly appricated...

I am also not understand the temperature parts of making these, yes I am blonde...LOL

So if someone could explain more about that in detail also!

Thanks in advance!

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Ok well I am new to all this primitive stuff. But I am gunna start making tarts and work my way up to candles and such.

I plan on using EcoSoya Wax. I see there are a few different types of it, which is the best overall to buy?

Also for scents, does any work or should I buy certain types?

Any other info for Soy Tarts would be greatly appricated...

I am also not understand the temperature parts of making these, yes I am blonde...LOL

So if someone could explain more about that in detail also!

Thanks in advance!

Hi I have been making tarts for quite awhile now. I use the EcoSoya piller wax. As for scents I use alot of scents from Peaks,Solas and Just Scent. Everyone on this board has there own ideas on who has the best scents. So you will just have to order some samples and see which ones you like best and which ones work well in your wax. When I make my tarts I weight out a pound of wax heat to about 150 155 degrees. Add my color stur like mad and then add my scent and sturr like mad again. When I'm done mixing I pour into my molds and let dry. Tarts were very easy for me to make. And they are a big seller in my store. This week alone I must have sold at least 100 packs of them. There is alot of trial and error in candlemaking. You will just have to test test test. Regina santa chee

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When I make my tarts I weight out a pound of wax heat to about 150 155 degrees. Add my color stur like mad and then add my scent and sturr like mad again.

So in tarts you add scent at a cooler temperature than for candles? For my votives I've been adding FO at 185 degrees.


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Guest Candelishis
So in tarts you add scent at a cooler temperature than for candles? For my votives I've been adding FO at 185 degrees.


It depends on what wax you use, what FO you use, etc etc etc. You just have to test test and test some more until you get your tarts/candles until you get the scent throw you want. I add my scent at 155-160, but I use 464. If you are using paraffin or a blend, the temp will be higher. You just have to figure out what works best for your wax and FO.

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I used to use soy wax, and if I recall correctly, you've got to heat it to 180-185 degrees, add your fragrance oil and dye, then let it cool to 150-155 degrees before pouring. If you add your fragrance oil and dye at 150-155 degrees, it will be difficult to get it to fully incorporate. Especially the vanilla based oils, which can be difficult even with the higher temperatures.

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Guest Candelishis
I used to use soy wax, and if I recall correctly, you've got to heat it to 180-185 degrees, add your fragrance oil and dye, then let it cool to 150-155 degrees before pouring. If you add your fragrance oil and dye at 150-155 degrees, it will be difficult to get it to fully incorporate. Especially the vanilla based oils, which can be difficult even with the higher temperatures.

That's what I meant..I POUR at 155-160, and I do add FO around 180. I must have been trying to multi-task again while I was typing that :P

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