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1st 3 hour burn...

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for my gg candles I made . I don't know much about palm wax so here are the pics of my first 3hour burn..trimming once...using a csn 14 wick.

Thanks for looking and suggestions!:smiley2:




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I made a glow container candle wax last year with a palm bought at Candlewic. The Metro jar 10 oz. CD 14 wick pink color and 1.5 scent load. Burned beautiful, almost clean just a film on the jar. Never saw the white stuff, looks like my soy candles look sometimes. No help but I just bought this wax and I sure hope the wax doesn't turn that ugly white. Wonder what that stuff is?

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I think that "white stuff" is just a reflection from the flash. The unmelted "shelf" at the top of the jar is so familiar. There is a bubble of air that gets trapped becuse the top sets up so quickly. The flame quickly melts through this layer, the flame becomes a little larger, and the remnants of that shelf remain. It will eventually catch up. If you want to see it happen it only takes a few minutes of watching it after you light it off the first time.

The only way to totally avoid this is by treating it as a double pour. Reserve a small amount of wax from your initial pour. After the candle is set up crack the top layer and pour your re-melted wax into the container and cover the ugly top.


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The burn looks pretty typical so far to me, Kimmeroo. :wink2:

The "shelf" forms because of how palm wax burns (straight down, then out), not solely because of air pockets. All of my pillars and containers burn like that, especially if burned for an extended period of time, or if deliberately underwicked slightly to leave a shell behind.

I DO agree that folks should address the problem of air trapping when they pour palm wax. I cut a hole about 1/4" from the edge of the candle and around the wick or wickpin as the candle cools, push down to sink the solid piece inside the liquid center of the candle, and repeat a few times. It does mess up the surface, which is no problemo if pouring pillars but containers will absolutely need a second pour or heat gunning to tidy up the relief excavation. If I don't make TOO big of a mess, the heat gun does nicely.

Sharon, the white stuff is an annoying mystery to me, too. I have never seen it with any of the palm wax I have used except the Glass Glow (IGI R2322A). It must be a result or residue of whatever they add to the palm wax to make it stick to the container. It doesn't always occur, seems to happen more with certain FOs than others, but waaaay too often to suit me. It's one of the things I dislike intensely about Glass Glow. Any additive that makes palm wax exhibit some of soy wax's most annoying properties is not something I want! I'll post some photos in a new thread...

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It's burning quite nicely for your first burn. And don't worry about the hang up- it looks like it'll catch up. I've had worse- don't ask me about my 8 oz jelly experiment or my on-going attempts at wicking a 3" pillar! LOL.

The white stuff kinda looks like the crystal effects you'd get with glass glow. Not too apparent to me, but then again, I'm not standing above it either. Hard to tell with just a pic.

I just might buy some CSN wicks. Hmm... :tiptoe:

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No white stuff. it was the reflection of the flash. And..it did catch up.I burned the rest of the candle and I was a little disappointed that it left black soot around the top of the jar.I also notced that the flame was always huge even tho I trimmed when needed.The wick I think was just a little too hot,I think I am going to go down to a csn12..the glass was awful hot for my liking.

I used mistletoe (CS) and .5oz fo.

I am going to make some mor over the weekend and re-test. Thanx all for looking and the help and encouragement.I need it ! LOL!;)


oh yeah..Stella,what degree do you(or anyone) pour your glass glow?I poured min at 200* but I only got the "look" on one out of the three,which I made all at the same time...I put my fo in first then stirred to incorporate then added jbn's soy liq. dye,then poured.Did I do something wrong?

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Kimmeroo, I pour Glass Glow at about 195°. I prewarm the containers if the house is cold - just warm, not to the point they are too hot to handle. I add UV stabilizer when I melt the wax and the FO and dye when I have reached the pouring temp... I stir a lot and do not pour right away after adding. I like to make good and sure things are mixing and combining well before pouring. The most difficult problem with the crystallization is making sure that the top and bottom cool at the same rate. Currently, I have been using a cookie rack inside a styrofoam cooler, but I am still getting the dadgummed stripe around the top (top cooling faster than the bottom). Will try putting them in the oven to cool at some point - just haven't tried it with Glass Glow lately due to cooking. I hate it when cooking gets in the way of my candlemaking! :undecided

The spots are from the wax cooling too quickly or from the wax simply not being hot enough at the moment it went into the container. That's a pattern that one can expect to see begin about 180°... If the container was cool, that alone could have dropped the temperature enough to cause the lack of crystallization. I am not aware of FO making a difference in crystallization, but I think it COULD have an effect on it... however, low temperature or cooling too quickly is most likely the cause.

I haven't tested the CSN wicks, but a 14 sounded a little high to me from what I have read of others' results...:wink2:

Ya having fun? :D

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Yup! I am having lots of fun!:D Hmmm. must be the wax coolrd just enough when I was mixing the fo and color...I will print off how you do it and try that!

No..I didn't heat my jars...my hubby had it 78 in here (woodstove) so I thought it may be hot enough..will heat them next time just to see.

Thanks all for responding! I will post early next week..can't do any testing 'till Sun.or Mon.


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