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Ok..I use the 1275 blend from C & S. I've had problems before(got the bad wax), so I always test burn. My problem is this, we haven't changed anything, same pouring temp, same jars, same wicks, same everything, with this new batch of wax that we got as soon as you pour it into the jars it cools to the sides of the jars, then it will remelt itself as it's cooling and look normal. Once it's cool, my 1.5 oz and 8's have the holes down the center. What is the problem? Do you think our wax is bad? Like I said haven't changed anything. What was different was this wax came seperated by wax paper, do you think that is the problem?

Any advice would be great.

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I stopped using their wax due to inconsistency. Sounds like they are cooling too fast. Are you getting that sink hole look by the wick? It could also be too much of a certain additive. If you need a more consistent supplier of this wax contact www.candlesuppliesbyfarmhouse.com. I've been using her wax for over a year now, and no problems at all!

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I stopped using their wax due to inconsistency. Sounds like they are cooling too fast. Are you getting that sink hole look by the wick? It could also be too much of a certain additive. If you need a more consistent supplier of this wax contact www.candlesuppliesbyfarmhouse.com. I've been using her wax for over a year now, and no problems at all!

You know, earlier I tried the Farmhouse wax and liked it. My problem is it's so easy to order scents and wax all together, that I just haven't switched yet. And when I had the infamous wax debacle, they were very accomodating, and the wax was great for a year. I'm probably on the switch now, because I hate not knowing what I'm getting.

To answer your question, yes I think, too, that it's drying too fast. I am getting the holes by the wick. Like I said, nothing is different, and I've never had this happen. Even with the bad wax before, they looked great, but didn't burn. I'm guessing that there is too much of something. It just doesn't make sense. I'm calling today, to see if it's a problem batch.

Thanks for the input everyone.

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Is the room temp lower or even a cold draft? It could make it cool down faster. Maybe try turning a box upside down over them to cool and see if you get the same results.

Same temp. It's just a very drastic difference. I've never had holes in my candles in the 5 years I've been pouring. Makes me nutty! Thanks for your idea.

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Yep, part of that bad batch too, and yeah, they didn't burn well at all. With our recent cold spell (not compared to the midwest and ice storms) it could be a cooling issue. I poured some candles last night and I want to see what happened when I poured at 140 as compared to 160, I'll let you know tonight if there is a sink hole issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am completely disgusted with C&S 1275 wax and stopped using it. The inconsistency was outrageous. Had to replace a bunch of candles this past season due to it. Switched over to JS 50/50 and love it. Was able to use same wicks, jars and amount of FO per pound as I did in the 1275. Hope that helps. BTW....C&S should be ashamed of themselves for selling wax that is this rotton. I used it for 6 years and all of a sudden they stated that they were "getting seconds" from the manufacturer. I know that is not true. Talked to Chris at CJ Robinson (the supplier) and they said they would never send out seconds to one of their clients. Something just doesn't add up. Go figure!!!

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