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Titanium Dioxide question

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I use titanium dioxide for my cut and curl candles. Does anyone else have a problem reheating wax that has titanium dioxide in it. It takes an extremely long time to reheat. If I do two pots at once, the other pot is melted long before the pot with the titanium dioxide in it even gets started melting. Also, I think I used too much because it seeps to the bottom and must be mixed throughout the entire dip. Is there any way to avoid that mixing?

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Perhaps mix it with a small amount of wax thoroughly and then add it to the bulk wax may help.

I dont use it with candles (but I may now)..I use it predominantly when making soap...and when making large quantities that is what I do.



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Mixing in a small amount wont help actually, that's it's nature. Since it's a pigment and not a dye it doesn't actually blend. I believe it just floats suspended until the wax hardens. That's what my white "dye" does, as well as the fuschia color chips I have that are made from pigments.

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