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Candle holder for water baths

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Hi guys....

I saw these somewhere...but can't recall where??

I'm wanting ti buy hurricane moulds and the carrier that you place them in when putting them into the water bath. Any ideas where I can get it from??

Also...How can you embed something into the hurricanr if you use the hurricane insert??

Obviously, I am a 'hurricane virgin' , plus I live in Australia so I would like to buy everything I need at one time and try and save on postage costs.

ALL advice will be SOOOOOO welcome.



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Most hurricane molds are at last 5" in diameter and that is too big for most carriers. I wear gardening gloves to pick up and move my 'cane molds. Donita uses folded paper towels.

If you wan to make embedded 'canes you will need a 'cane mold insert. Whoever you buy the mold from should have the insert.

Go to Techniques and Ideas on the left of this screen for info on making embedded 'canes.

Have fun

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Peak Candle Supplies had some moulds but I couldn't find the water bath dipping utensil.

gardening gloves sound good.....

I looked at the techniques section for embedding a photograph (that's where I got the original idea from) and it doesnt use an insert? I am wondering what the insert is good for???

Thanks....this board and members are fantastic!!!


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Welcome to the board :)

The insert isn't used for pictures, but rather thicker objects like seashells, dried apple slices, whatever you may want to put in there. The insert basically just holds the objects close to the mold until the wax cools and thickens enough to remove it without the stuff coming loose.

I believe you're talking about the Hold-a-mold thingy. Peaks had been getting them from Pourette until they quit making them. I don't know of any other manufacturer because I looked for one as well a while back. I use a couple of bent and twisted clothes hangers. It's a bit awkward but it works for me.

If you search around here (when it's working) you'll find more info on making hurricanes than you can imagine... from different techniques to different waxes to different water bath temps and a lot more...

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I'll buy the inserts just in case I end up wanting to embed shells etc....I am sooo happy that I now understand what the mould inserts are for....

I thought pourette had closed down???

mmmm shall go searching again. I am beginning to think candle making is MY LIFE!!! hehehheh



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I thought pourette had closed down???

Yup, that's why you can't find the hold-a-mold. Everywhere I had looked said out of stock. I called Peaks about them which is when I found out it was Pourette who actually made them. With Pourette gone, they're history unless someone new starts manufacturing them :sad2:

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I actually saw the dipping holders just this week when I was searching for things...I am going to try like mad to see if I can find them again.

I remember they also sold springs for them....I assumed they broke or became slack after using them a few times???

When I find them again, I will come back and SHARE!!!! hehehe



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Candlechem sells a hold-a-mold for &8.98 and replacement springs for $3.89.

It's still not the store I was originally looking at because when I was looking at the hurricane moulds a little message at the bottom said something like..."most eople who bought this item bought this as well".

If someone sees a store where I can get everything in one hit PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know.

My email is hellenr@optusnet.com.au



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I emailed them last night and they do still have some in stock. I ordered one today and I'm tickled pink. Thanks for pointing them out :cheesy2:

I must add that I was impressed that sending the email late Saturday night, he responded at 9:30 am on a Sunday morning! I didn't expect to hear back before Monday at least. :thumbsup:

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I am new at attempting to make Hurricane Candles as well, and I couldn't find a Hold a Mold either, so I have been using pot holders to put my molds in the water baths... The Hold a Mold is supposed to be weighted since the mold will float...In the picture I saw they used a chain wrapped around the base of the holder. I found that a two liter coke bottle filled with water makes a perfect weight to hold my mold down! I was using a heavy iron weight but got tired of picking it up! I Tried the coke bottle tonight and it worked like a charm, and, my back doesn't hurt! Hope this helps! :cool2:


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They haven't returned my email as quickly as they did yours.....I'm just hoping they aren't all gone before I get a reply.

By hook or by crook, I'm going to find the other place that had them. I have 3 days off over Chrissy...so 'a-searching' I will go!!!



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Always wondered why you have to lift hot candle and place in water bath. Can't you start in water bath and just add ice to cool it off? And where do you put the coke bottle to hold down the mold, across the top? Could you place mold in bath container, put a wet towel around the mold after pouring in hot wax. Rubber band to mold then fill bath with ice/cold water? Wouldn't the towel keep it from having jump lines. Just asking??? I'm not very strong and I'm messy and tend to spill a lot so have never attempted this because of the moving the mold thing.

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No, starting in the water wouldn't work. The wax would start to harden on the mold the instant you start pouring it. There would be no way to get the picture smooth up against the side. As for working inside an empty container, then filling around it with water... might work. I'd probably splash water into the wax in the mold. It's a reasonable alternative to moving the hot wax though.

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Guess you could start with the mold in an empty water bath. I'd make more of a mess pouring the wax and then filling the bath with water. For a picture cane you need easy access to the inside of the mold to hold the picture to the side and the outside for the wet cloth and ice.

I never use an icy water bath for my 'canes. Tepid water works best for me. Like anything with candles the key is the details. Temp of wax, preheating mold, heating pour pot and utensils, temp of water bath, etc.

I use a length of chain on a Tupperware container and set it on top of my molds in the water bath to hold them in place. Any type of wt. set in any container, set on top of you mold will hold it in place in the water bath.

My 'cane molds hold approx. 4 lb of wax. If that is a problem for you the hold a mold thingy might help. Just be sure it will work for your 'cane mold. Many won't handle a mold that big.

Tip of the day: If you have cats, get the litter in the plastic pails. Makes a great water bath container. Also great for storing wax.

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