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Newspaper Advertising....have you done it?


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I've contemplated this for sometime and I'm wondering how it goes for anyone (if you do it)

One idea - Placing a small coupon ad in the area's free newspaper that offers so much off at so and so craft show from your own booth. Or stop in and get your free gift kind of thing. If I'm investing $200 on a booth space, could this help?

2nd idea - I'm new to an area and would love to schedule some home parties for this holiday season. What about putting an ad in the area's free papers to have people schedule their holiday season parties. Get your friends together, be merry & shop in comfort....blah blah blah. ( I almost think this idea would generate $$ equal to doing shows, don't you think? Or how about nooner parties in doctor offices..etc.etc)

Any one's feelings on this or experiences?

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Free newspapers are usually free for a reason...they're crap. Not all of them, but speaking from personal experience, I don't think advertising in them is beneficial. Most of the free newspapers are mainly just ads. Take a close look at the type of ads that go in those papers--bingo parlor ads, rent to own companies, sell your plasma ads, crisis pregnancy ads, etc. If you don't buy a large enough ad, it will likely go unnoticed because it is competing against so many other ads. Do you think your clients are likely to pick up one of the papers? Where are the papers placed? Grocery stores, liquor stores, laundromats? Most of the time you see those things in trashcans or parking lots.

Perhaps the free newspapers in your area are different--I hope so anyway! I don't know how much a small ad will cost you, but I can tell you I've placed advertising (2 columns x 4 inches) with coupons in the paper before with zero results. It's always a gamble. I had better success with newspaper inserts. Can you suggest to the person hosting this event that they organize an insert and have other people join in with coupons so that the cost is cheaper for all?

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In our section of florida we get what is called the "green sheet" not really any news just people seling stuff and adds. More like a classifieds or yellowpages. This ad is delivered free once a week and I can tell you when you talk to people they will tell you "My washer broke today" but they are waiting for the greensheet LOL

So this one works as for others I dont know. If it gets delivered I think it is better than just in a lobby of some store for a kid to take one of everyone because they are free.

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Its funny, we get three free newspapers a week delivered to our home. The circulation on these is 3-4k homes. I do feel like there's money in the area that we moved into. Many lake homes, etc. There's area articles in each of the papers, along with some of the best organization in ads that I've seen.

I'll call and inquire on it. I may ecen consider doing it for an open house, but do it in my Tin Shed...light it up with Christmas lights, etc.

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